Example sentences of "[conj] giving [adv] their " in BNC.

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1 When some boys at the school put excrement under the headmaster 's chair , he contrasted the culprits unfavourably with true school sportsmen : ‘ Last Friday I was feeling pretty low when I found out about this lot … but then I went to football on Saturday , there were several lads and teachers there , playing their hearts out or giving up their time just for the school , and then I thought , ‘ Perhaps , it 's not so bad after all . ’
2 This is an alternative to war which states could in theory accept without giving up their own moral values , going back on their own factual claims , losing their dignity in the community of nations , or giving up their political endeavours to persuade others to their point of view .
3 That is , the word or words of the lexia are doing more than giving up their meaning as words .
4 Corporate funding , which rose to around £30m last year , has its part to play , irritating though it is when executives parade as great patrons while giving away their shareholders ' money .
5 Sir : Your otherwise sound leading article ( 'Private gifts for public arts ' , 11 October ) shot itself hypocritically in the foot in its last paragraph by expressing irritation with corporate executives who ‘ parade as great patrons while giving away their shareholders ’ money' .
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