Example sentences of "[conj] ways [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But there may be other ways in , or ways of bringing the quarry out . ’
2 Innovation — the activities necessary to produce profitable new or improved products , processes , services or ways of doing business — is the key to commercial success .
3 These include sincerity , honesty ( not to indulge in plagiarism or cheating ) , truthfulness , the avoidance of self-contradiction , a determination to be comprehensible , the intellectual courage to develop and hold a position of one 's own , a willingness to be subject to the demands of reason and evidence , an openness to other viewpoints or ways of going on , and according due ( but not undue ) respect to teaching and other staff .
4 The basic strategies do the teaching : most of the ideas in this section are meant as diversions , or ways of playing with words .
5 The Schools Council History Project in defining an approach for history in the secondary school identified certain key " historical " concepts , or ways of approaching the past .
6 Geometry- broad criteria are discussed and ways of constructing more detailed criteria are considered .
7 After discussion , staff felt the policy statement had to be a succinct reminder of the aims and ways of bringing about real ‘ working together ’ , spelling out why , what , how , when and where partnership is developed .
8 The NIO wants to know what has sparked the increase and ways of bringing it to an end , said the source .
9 They noted and endorsed the reservations about the various areas of policy development and ways of implementing the policies expressed in the report .
10 First , an Open Forum in October called for significantly better club facilities — notably the men 's changing rooms , and a Development Sub-Committee was constituted to look at the suggestion and ways of financing it .
11 Obstacles to and ways of facilitating the dissemination of the method will also be considered .
12 The discussion so far has been oriented towards lessening the pressure caused by the build up of queues and ways of smoothing the flow of clients through a bureau .
13 I would suggest that this is essentially a do-it-yourself exercise and becomes part of your general observation of speech , bearing in mind that different accents and ways of speaking will influence what you see/hear .
14 Most of the police station meeting was taken up by discussion between council officers and the police on security for the Ks and ways of dealing with the club — to which the council , just to complicate matters further , had indemnified a £100,000 loan .
15 Even when new members are regularly taking their place on Panels , the training continues into every aspect of children 's lives , into care , physical , mental and sexual abuse , criminal activity , and ways of dealing with the variety of cases that come before them in the course of their work .
16 This module is designed to develop consumer skills and provides an introduction to advertising practices and pressures , consumer rights , sources of consumer advice , buying skills and ways of dealing with unsatisfactory goods and services .
17 Again , there is no real need to comment — except that it is the media planner 's job both to discourage the creative group from trying to produce massive , spectacular ads when the budget is minimal , and to keep them aware of new ideas and ways of using the media .
18 We have our own style and ideas and ways of looking at things . ’
19 Once such a framework has been established , the emphasis is on finding new methods of dating finds and ways of refining existing methods to increase accuracy .
20 The manager 's role is confined to stimulating the subordinate to thinking through what results are to be sought and ways of achieving these .
21 The potential improvement in performance and ways of achieving that improvement after a two-pass load are discussed below .
22 Health , emotional and physical , and ways of achieving it , have replaced arguments about religion and spiritual salvation .
23 It is not too awful to be confronted with people cleverer than oneself ( in science journalism it happens quite a lot ) but it is intolerable to share the world with people who apparently are party to bodies of knowledge and ways of thinking that make all one 's own ideas seem petty .
24 Notions such as quantum leap , entropy , feedback and software spread far beyond their original habitats ; indeed , whole languages and ways of seeing the world spread out and colonize other fields , in the way that experimental method , rational planning models , and computer terminology have done .
25 Most elderly parents who are living alone will be widows or widowers , and the understanding of their feelings of loss , and ways of helping them to cope with bereavement , were discussed in Chapter 2 .
26 There does not appear to have been an account taken of the of the factors that may reduce traffic on the A sixty one er and ways of ameliorating the current problems on the road which are not just a question of the volumes , but in fact the timescale it takes in fact to clear that road in the mornings .
27 Prime Minister Sibomana visited Tanzania on May 21-23 , and again on Sept. 28 for talks on border security and ways of curbing sabotage by Burundian dissident groups based in Tanzania .
28 I hope that I may have encouraged some of my readers to use the garter carriage and next month I will be exploring stitch patterns and ways of combining these into interesting garments .
29 to research this audience and ways of getting to it
30 Is the Minister aware that the recent fall in British Steel profits has made British Steel look again at capital expenditure and ways of economising without damaging future profitability ?
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