Example sentences of "[conj] therefore [pron] will " in BNC.

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1 Ministers discuss the cash that will actually be spent , and therefore what will have to be financed by taxation or borrowing , instead of talking about ‘ funny money ’ — the numbers which could be misleadingly different from the resultant cash spent .
2 Ministers discuss the cash that will actually be spent , and therefore what will have to be financed by taxation or borrowing , instead of talking about ‘ funny money ’ — numbers which could be misleadingly different from the resultant cash spent .
3 This will equally enable the Policyholder to replace the engine with one of similar type , capacity , age and size to the one lost — and therefore we will have provided him with indemnity under the Policy notwithstanding the fact that he has been paying premium on the value insured .
4 This test is based on the following implications of the hypothesis : if expectations of a variable are rational , they are formed in accordance with the process determining that variable and therefore they will depend upon any set of past variables in exactly the same way as the variable itself depends upon that set of past variables .
5 We are just as determined that people in Northern Ireland should benefit from the Government 's reforms , including fund-holding practices , and therefore they will be introduced at the earliest possible date .
6 Is it possible to arrange that they be given blanks and do n't know which are the blanks and which are the real , because otherwise there 's a risk after you 've done this the schools will suspect that they 're low , and therefore they will add a little on to their blank or something like that .
7 This is intended to be an introduction to the project and therefore there will be no admission charge to the site on this occasion , although a couple of conation boxes will be suitably positioned for those who may wish to assist the project in this way !
8 So it may be the Regional Association or perhaps the local estuary er Sailing Association is first contacted and what will happen er when one is contacted is that you will come into contact with environmentalists and conservationists and not all environmentalists and conservationists are quite as af affable and conciliatory as I am , some can be quite confrontational and therefore there will be the need for a considerable amount of lip biting and self restraint .
9 One main reason is that I know that the other person thinks I will act as promised and therefore she will do something which she would not do otherwise .
10 I want to examine the debate on that issue in Chapter 7 , and therefore I will not enter into it fully here .
11 And I think it 's close enough to looking like it that the public may believe it , and I hope the public wo n't believe it , but certainly I 'm not prepared to allow them to think it of me , and therefore I will vote against the motion .
12 These these are a measure are n't they they 're a measure of the quality of what we 're going to do over the next two days and therefore I will come back to these tomorrow afternoon I will check through them and if everybody can say yes yes I 'm satisfied with that then we 've achieved what we set out to achieve today .
13 You should feel capable of doing more and therefore you will become more of a busy , dynamic person .
14 Sometime in the near future you may have to go for an interview and therefore you will be asking yourself the following questions :
15 It is slow-rooting and therefore it will be several weeks before any growth is observed .
16 If the new if the new settlement proves successful , it will have an impetus all its own and therefore it will not come to a full stop in two thousand and six .
17 Therefore , the one is a destination which you 'll probably find you 'd prefer to go to for a long weekend or perhaps a , part of your annual holiday etcetera , our parks are places you go to for a day out and I think therefore there is a very er , strong difference between the sort of visit and because I feel that EuroDisney which will undoubtedly will be good , it 's a proven formula er , it 's run well er , it appeals to a lot of people and therefore it will be I think er , successful , exactly how successful I obviously ca n't say , but it will be successful , it will certainly attract British visitors , but they 'll come back , looking er , with certain higher expectation , a value for money , quality etcetera , etcetera .
18 If beds are blocked by for example geriatric patients er in medical or even surgical wards , wo n't there be a trickle effect and therefore it will be impossible for the patients who need to go up to these other wards to get out of the A and E department ?
19 And therefore it will now be missing . ’
20 If the back dips , it is likely that the uterus does too , and therefore it will not drain well after foaling .
21 Erm whilst I 've not been able to produce an audited er set of accounts I do have er a set of figures for you erm and as you said at the the beginning of your opening er speech Mr Chairman that erm we had one or two losses during the year , those er in actual fact did n't erm affect us in thi this particular financial year as they were aimed at the September December period , but therefore they will be reflected in next year 's figures not or in the current year 's figures or the next annual general meeting 's figures .
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