Example sentences of "[conj] knew very [det] " in BNC.

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1 I had n't been involved in the organization and knew very little about what was going to happen .
2 Bush had consistently claimed that , as Vice-President in the Reagan administration , he was " out of the loop " and knew very little of the Iran-contra operation until it became public .
3 A young woman , who was a final-year student at teacher 's training college , said she had just moved into the area , and knew very few people .
4 When Diana first consulted Penny the princess revealed that she was interested in astrology , but knew very little about it .
5 I wanted to continue my studies as a postgraduate at U.C.L. I was now interested in modern linguistic research , but knew very little about it , since linguistics had so far made little impact in the U.K. , and there was no teacher in the Department who could adequately supervise me in that area .
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