Example sentences of "[conj] soon [vb past] that " in BNC.

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1 Bath had a good long look at the videos and soon saw that little variations of this move could break opposition defences just as easily as the blasting back-row scrum moves with which Australia had devastated England when they so mistakenly toured Australia last year .
2 They set out at dusk on 13 September and soon discovered that they were in the wrong wadi .
3 Slingsby first visited Norway in 1872 and soon discovered that he was in a country with whose inhabitants he had almost everything in common ; where the language was familiar to him from the vocabulary surviving in the Yorkshire dales , and where the temperament and customs were akin to his own .
4 Bearing in mind that she would be eating a main meal that evening , Fabia ordered an omelette and salad , and soon discovered that once Lubor had settled down from his initial opportunistic manner he was quite a pleasant lunchtime companion .
5 And the peedie fairy was just delighted to start with but soon realized that there was something kind of fishy going on and it was n't a very happy place .
6 He set up in practice in the copper-mining town of Hettstedt but soon discovered that he was out of sympathy with the barbaric medical practices of his time which often showed little compassion for , or understanding of , the patient .
7 As best she might she encouraged her to speak her grief , but soon saw that her efforts , however tender , were experienced as intrusion , as invasion almost .
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