Example sentences of "[conj] half out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Her office was now marked by a frieze of officers , two lounging half in and half out of her door , a third a little behind , the attention of all three directed entirely towards her desk .
2 By swinging his legs he was at last able to make painful progress , so that eventually he was half in and half out of the building .
3 I went down on hands and knees , half in and half out of the doorway , with an excuse ready of looking for a coin I 'd dropped .
4 It was another Glory and it had been abandoned , half in and half out of a ditch .
5 Half in and half out of the window , Jack looked down at the scene below him in disappointment .
6 What they saw by the further light of a bicycle lamp was a chamber about six feet square and the opening of two pipes , half in and half out of the water-level on opposite walls .
7 " Lagoon " is a bit grand : it 's really just a big old swamp , surrounded by droopy trees with their roots half in and half out of the water .
8 I WOKE UP in a terrarium , half in and half out of a stagnant pool .
9 Half in and half out of the cabin door , she watched the approach of three figures .
10 His right foot , Robert noted , was half in and half out of his slipper .
11 She adds ‘ Our children ( 20 and 18 ) are both at the stage of being half in and half out of the nest ! ’
12 Sarella , half in and half out of the jeep , had frozen suddenly as her eyes met those of her host .
13 He was half in and half out of the cloakroom , stripping off his ski-suit , jumping about on one leg with his other foot caught in the elasticated cuff .
14 The alarm was raised when the train stopped half in and half out of the station , and its driver radioed to say there was fighting on board .
15 At a nearby door , half in the house and half out of the house , they found the body of her boyfriend , Jamie Saunders , who was 22 and who lived at the house with his mother .
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