Example sentences of "[conj] all the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He sometimes had the feeling that all the more delicate growths were being quenched and ousted by the rougher stuff , if one did not intervene .
2 This is despite the fact that all the more straightforward definitions of " marriage " fail to fit the peculiarities of the Nayar case .
3 It has been a rebirth — and all the more vigorous for being so long overdue .
4 It was dreadful to see and all the more frightening for the misery of the expression which no attempt at smiling could lift .
5 It was a rare sensation for Robyn , and all the more unpleasant for that .
6 Martha bolted out of the door and crashed through the hedge into Mada Joyce 's yard , expecting to hear her grandmother 's shout of rage behind her and all the more fearful when only silence pursued her .
7 Both interactions occurred between all sorts of subatomic particle : protons , neutrons , electrons , neutrinos and all the more exotic variants of these that occur only in high-energy cosmic rays from outer space , or in experiments with highly accelerated beams of particles .
8 And all the more so if our motive is to seek our own pleasure .
9 The peace and tranquility of the Norfolk countryside make me realise how fortunate we are , and all the more conscious of the trials and sorrows that so many people are suffering both in this country and around the world .
10 Such knowledge can be very simple , and all the more pertinent for that .
11 In fact , it seems to me now that what remained constant did so , and all the more so , because of the changes with which the family was faced .
12 My reference to it was simply a tease , and all the more tempting given Victor 's known sensitivity on the point .
13 Like so much that was sacred at Canterbury , it was all hearsay , and all the more violently adhered to on that account .
14 And yet , if we look for signs of the biblical revival that the Council wanted to awaken , in many ways and in many parts of the Catholic world the answer is indeed ‘ yes ’ , and all the more so if we remember how much leeway there was to be made up in knowledge and use of the Bible by Catholics .
15 ‘ It 's been a fairytale start for Phil , and all the more enjoyable for him after what he has been through , ’ says Leicestershire chief executive Mike Turner .
16 For me this is a mighty rendition of the score and all the more inspiring for the impression that its power is tapped from within .
17 She was tremendously impressed by a casual comparison which he drew between the victorious hero of the film and Corneille 's Le Cid , and all the more impressed because Le Cid was one of her set texts for A Level , whereas he was taking physics , chemistry and mathematics .
18 These contacts are widely reported to improve students ' motivation , and all the more so within Compact where achievement of student goals is directly linked to offers of employment .
19 It is a momentarily breathless sight , and all the more so because one has a sense , as one watches , of a man running to meet his destiny this summer .
20 But because of the very vagueness of form in the crime novel it is all the more important to bear what it is constantly in mind , and all the more difficult to do so .
21 Tender young plants as yet , and all the more vulnerable to sudden blasts of cold .
22 Nor do you know how cruel that blindness and weakness can be — and all the more so when they are sugared over with sentiment and concern , with the pretence of tenderness .
23 His clients were rich and demanding , and all the more likely to notice a botched job .
24 Mr. Broderick said ‘ We can all see and condemn the naked anti-unionism of Companies like Pat the Baker , but this form of anti-unionism is far more subtle and all the more dangerous . ’
25 ‘ V-very good , ’ she managed at last , desperately aware of the way his fingers were creeping from her chin , sliding down lightly to her neck , then on towards her throat — the ghost of a touch , as light and sensual as any touch could be and all the more powerful and disturbing for that .
26 Education is a long-term investment — and all the more crucial for being so .
27 There the tip developed as a hand but all the more proximal structures were absent , and so there were no muscles proximal to the hand .
28 But all the more advanced European countries tended to increase their dependence on imported food between 1880 and 1914 .
29 Now he finally had one of his own — only one , but all the more precious for that — and he simply could n't set it down .
30 By doing so , I shall demonstrate a point which is paradoxical but all the more interesting for that .
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