Example sentences of "[conj] yet [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 You have n't told me that yet you know . ’
2 And yet they serve us and multiply . ’
3 It 's an indictment on our society that The Porch is regarded as their home , and we 're only open for five hours a day , and yet they regard us as their family , and what we the servers are for them is the parents that they lack .
4 Many have made only one short field trip and yet they go on using that material in articles and even books for the rest of their lives .
5 And yet they recognize unions and they ask you to apply your , er to yourself .
6 Asking questions referring , do you get that situation whereby you 're told something two or three times and yet they keep coming back ?
7 and yet they contrive to greet us
8 They tell you something , and yet they tell you nothing .
9 And yet they 've got the same amount of time
10 Oh there was a tremendous variety , but then there were all the same in , erm you look at the er the three light fitting er it hangs down from the ceiling and has three branches out from it and it either has three lights hanging down or three hanging upwards , er with four ordinary bulbs in or candle bulbs in and shades , sometimes they have four , erm , there 's still an awful lot of those about and any lighting shop you look in you 'll still see plenty of those er and yet they 've got a tremendous number of disadvantages , one thing , a lot of them got glass shades , if you break one shade three year 's time you might as well throw away the fitting because you ca n't get another one er , and erm it 's a design that does n't , it does n't lend itself to giving a good lighting in a room at all er , it they , they harsh glassware , the edges of the glass during all round the room and that sort of thing
11 And yet they 've got the nerve to bloody ask you if you wan na do hampers .
12 Flap jacks do n't appear to be cooked and yet they 've been in the time they should have , I do n't know what 's happened , there you are there 's your drink do n't knock it over
13 and yet they 've got to implement
14 Well we were led to believe that the concessions given to company cars would go , or would go in part in the White Paper , and we were led to believe that they would er make a decision that would say that the gas-guzzling , the higher expenditure cars would be penalized in terms of vehicle excise licence , road tax , compared to the small ones , and yet they 've gone back even from that .
15 And yet they 've been using enormous amounts of their own resources , both finance and , and manpower resources and expertise to make life easier for , for the people who are going through their country .
16 They know everything and yet they know nothing .
17 These calls sound very quiet to us and yet they attract females through kilometres of dense forest .
18 Men 's economic dependency seems to face many women with a contradiction over housework — they need the men to change , and yet they feel the need to protect men in crisis .
19 And yet they send you letters
20 They want them to be more responsible , more self-determining , to take matters into their own hands , and yet they oppose the only thing the tenants have of their own — organisation .
21 ‘ We give them everything they want and yet they behave so badly ’ is a frequent complaint .
22 So , tensions occur in relationships where the sportsmen are thought by their coach to be naturally gifted and yet they fail to achieve success .
23 And yet they do seem to work remarkably well , putting even the largest dog into a suddenly more respectful mood .
24 Tasks are divided up between departments , units , individuals , divisions and yet they do not have the same power .
25 And yet they do n't use machines .
26 And yet they do n't give you a basic wage ?
27 We must understand that hospitals are not designed for death , and yet they have become institutions of death .
28 Sociologists are only too well aware that ideas arise in particular social climates and contexts , and yet they have to seek a way of standing apart from society and analysing it objectively .
29 Social services departments have been very badly hit as the growing problems of poverty and unemployment add to the pressure of their work , and yet they have had to abandon services and cut back on staffing .
30 They actually set up villages , which are in erm you know usually in rural er surroundings , and erm er they have erm usually I mean they 're mentally-disabled people there , and erm er they set up the village so that there are able- bodied people in there , and yet they live with the er mentally disabled people , you know they have houses and they the erm in inverted commas normal people have erm children and all this sort of thing , erm and yet they have erm er some of these mentally defective people living with them in the house ,
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