Example sentences of "[conj] before i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Had you phoned well I did n't know if you 'd phoned after I 'd rung you , or before I 'd rung you .
2 It 's all over between Linda and me , I told you that before I left .
3 I told you that before I left . ’
4 Erm John 's Dream the National Playwright 's Network actually wrote back to me and said they 're quite happy to read your plays for a fee erm but I intend to re-write that before I put it in er for a reading erm Oh , I I sent a poem called Pleasure to Woman 's Weekly in June last year and I suspect they were actually planning to use it but they 've had a New Year 's clear-out and I got it back yesterday .
5 ‘ I pray that before I die I will know .
6 She thought , I knew that before I met him .
7 But he said that before I said why was Michelle able to come in between you and Karen .
8 Her back stiffened , and she turned on Hilda : ‘ People are going to realize that before I 've finished . ’
9 He told me that before I had come to live with him he never listened to the radio for fear of hearing a song she had liked to sing or a piece of piano music she used to play .
10 To marry by special licence , and if necessary without her parents ’ permission , so that before I went away again we should have become one in body as we were in — dare I say spirit ? — at any rate , in mind .
11 I think for me I love erm er er er I love a challenge , and er I suspect the fact that before I went into it people said it was erm something which was erm absolutely impossible er er and that the their was no way that one could make a go of it erm made it made it made it perhaps all the more challenging to try to prove them wrong .
12 I explained that before I came to Arabia the only djinn or genie that I knew was Aladdin 's genie of the lamp .
13 I should have have checked that before I wrote it in .
14 So I just get it cos I 've only heard you say that before I do n't actually really know what it meant .
15 Since he can do nothing unless I write it down I think that before I light this last cigarette of mine I will let him go into the cottage .
16 but I knew that before I moved there he says I know better
17 That first fairway was hump-backed and before I drove , I asked : ‘ What 's the line , Willie ? ’
18 I rushed out without any money , and before I go home I must go and inform Mr Felton 's people where he is .
19 And before I go on I must set one thing straight .
20 We support I move and before I go boing boing baggis Thank you .
21 And before I go tomorrow we 'll compose a joint letter to the two of them , pointing out how well we get on without them and urging them not to hurry back .
22 Sound of the train getting closer and before I knew it I was out on that street pushing the trolley .
23 I went to see what he wanted and before I knew it I was bundled into the car and we were on our way home .
24 We had rather a lot to drink , and before I knew where I was I found myself being hustled into a broom closet by three men .
25 I began to hum and before I knew it , a tidal wave of crystal-clear sound swept my voice to hitherto undiscovered heights and depths , racing through tunnels of octaves until the sound was n't my own and my ears heard a stranger singing .
26 Well , maybe ‘ blossom ’ is an exaggeration , but I told Gillian one or two of Oliver 's jokes , and we talked about being apprehensive over coming to the group , and then it emerged that she was half-French , and I had something to say about that , and the estate agent tried to bring in Germany but we were n't having any of it , and before I knew where I was I had half-turned my shoulder to exclude the other chap and was saying , ‘ Look , I know you 've only more or less just arrived , but you would n't like a spot of supper would you ?
27 ‘ I got to glancing through the ledgers , and before I knew it , the time had flown . ’
28 But her back was out of reach behind her head , and before I knew where I was , I was saying ‘ Hello ’ and holding out my hand .
29 The day came suddenly and before I knew it my father was driving me into the town of Ipswich to drop me off near the studio .
30 Then suddenly the bike stopped and before I knew what was happening , I 'd fallen off .
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