Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] sight " in BNC.

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1 Although she caught sight of a few racing friends , she felt ill at ease among the social butterflies that trilled and chattered all around her .
2 Lucy did not see Doreen or Silas again until late in the afternoon when she moved to close the office window , and it was then that she caught sight of them standing outside one of the chalets .
3 She is told that if she catches sight of him when he visits her in the darkness , he will leave her .
4 She smiled to herself now as she drove through the outskirts of Edinburgh , eyes fixed like limpets on the black Mercedes in front of her — if she lost sight of Jake now , she was done for !
5 But she caught sight of her watch and realized that it would be half-past three in the morning in New York .
6 When she catches sight of me she smiles and I feel guilty for scorning her .
7 She was about to reach for her drink when she caught sight of the car out of the corner of her eye as it pulled up on the opposite side of the road — a white BMW , identical to the one her uncle had .
8 She wondered how Angharad felt when she caught sight of her reflection in shop windows .
9 She was about to find herself a seat when she caught sight of him , in conversation with a rather pretty dark young woman , both of them laughing a lot .
10 The scared look on the girl 's face when she caught sight of Wycliffe in the yard .
11 There was her daughter going round in that car , clean hair flying , her good face not alarmed but alert , perhaps a hint of scare , a rather solemn smile when she caught sight of her friends — every time she came round she smiled at them , so proud — soaring up there , graceful , absorbed in the movement , not moving herself .
12 She made a face at his back , but her expression quickly changed to concern when she caught sight of his arm .
13 It was her air of nervous tension that set her apart from the other passengers as she jumped from the train at Stowbridge , searching the platform with a fraught expression that only partially lifted when she caught sight of Melissa .
14 It was only a couple coming in from the terrace , and she was about to look away again when she caught sight of a tall , stooping man standing outside and peering lugubriously at her through the glass .
15 Loretta finished dressing and was about to leave the room when she caught sight of the unmade bed .
16 In one little shop , the lady behind the counter shouted aloud with excitement and joy as soon as she caught sight of my plastic bag .
17 As she caught sight of the house , Breeze came to an abrupt standstill , nearly falling over her own feet .
18 Aggie looked horrified as she caught sight of the horse dung on his hobnailed boots .
19 She started as she caught sight of the ghost shapes .
20 She grimaced a little as she caught sight of her own reflection in the full-length mirror .
21 ‘ I do n't mind at all , ’ Shannon returned evenly , only just managing to stifle a grin as she caught sight of Josh rolling his eyes .
22 Reaching a decision , she stood up , groaning as she caught sight of her own rumpled state in the mirror .
23 Oh , no , better not , ’ she argued as she caught sight of the time .
24 The smile froze on Loretta 's face as she caught sight of his expression : his eyes were wide and staring , like those of a cornered animal .
25 And , as she raised her eyes , Ronni broke into a smile as she caught sight of the plate he was holding out to her .
26 She scrambled to her feet , feeling her heart bump painfully as she caught sight of the two men standing by the car .
27 With an almost childlike whoop of delight she bounded out of bed , quickly stifling the sound as she caught sight of her alarm clock .
28 Putting out a hand to pick up her brush , intending to try to do something about her limp blonde hair , Laura gave a yelp of dismay as she caught sight of the time on her wrist-watch .
29 ‘ It was probably because he was a doctor that he could n't face the future — he knew what to expect , ’ said Rachel bitterly , then as she caught sight of her mother 's expression she said hurriedly , ‘ Oh , I 'm not making excuses for him , I 'm just stating a fact . ’
30 Clad in an old black leotard and leggings , now fairly well daubed with paint , and with her mane of hair hidden beneath a scarlet bandana , she did n't exactly look like a decorator , she realised with a giggle as she caught sight of her own reflection in the hall mirror on the way to the kitchen , but she 'd discovered at an early stage of the game just how much bending , stretching and crouching was involved and so had decided she might as well be comfortable while she did it .
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