Example sentences of "[conj] at [adj] times " in BNC.

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1 Order 9 , r 6 applies if the defendant in a default action : ( 1 ) does not within 14 days after service of the summons on him , pay to the plaintiff the total amount of the claim and costs on the summons ; or ( 2 ) delivers an admission of the whole of the plaintiff 's claim unaccompanied by a counterclaim or a request for time for payment , or ( 3 ) does not deliver an admission of part of the plaintiff 's claim , a defence or counterclaim , the plaintiff may on filing a request for judgment , and certifying that defendant has not sent any reply to the summons , and stating what payments , if any , have been made , have judgment entered , either for payment forthwith or at such times as plaintiff may specify .
2 Plug it in anywhere in the building , and by pressing buttons you can switch appliances on and on , or dim lights , either immediately or at preset times .
3 Where resort sports or other facilities are advertised , they may not necessarily be available in all resorts in the vicinity of all properties featured or at all times of the season .
4 During the summer Dad would go to the allotment or at other times of the year start one or other of the jobs which he always seemed to have to do .
5 It can also examine timetables to ensure that bus companies operate not only at peak times but at midday or at other times when people wish to travel to doctors , hospitals or services that may be situated in the centres of population in cities and towns .
6 Another is the use of casuals to supplement the basic staff in a restaurant or bar on busy days or at busy times of the year .
7 Appetite might be poor and food that is eaten will be difficult to digest ; bowel movements will occur at inconvenient times in the night or at unaccustomed times during the day , or the traveller might suffer constipation for a few days .
8 ( You are rarely able to sample rhythms as often as you would like. ) ( a ) Are your 4 hours of observations made in a single session or a number of sessions ? ( b ) If it is a single session , is this at the same time or at different times each day ? ( c ) If it is at different times , then how do you arrange them ? ( d ) If it is a number of sessions , then how many ?
9 This would seem to demonstrate not only that studies in different areas or at different times have produced different results , but that a follow through of the cases prosecuted might have found , for example , that Blacks had a different ( possibly higher ) rate of ‘ not guilty ’ pleas , with acquittal rates which might have justified them in not accepting a caution .
10 I suppose in asking that question I 've got to ask you to rule out er all transactions er which have sort of transacted through New York and London at the same , or , or at different times , because quite clearly the Good Committee would er all their suggestions would fail on that behalf You 've just destroyed the question I was going to ask you really before I got to the question .
11 It 'll seem strange to us , ’ she observed , with the first hint of bitterness Breeze had heard from her , ‘ to live in other people 's houses on sufferance , as it were , and not to be able to invite our friends , or go out , even , except at certain times .
12 I occasionally use a quiver-tip on stillwaters , but it is an indicator I find most valuable on rivers , except at those times when the fish are being very finicky , when I will touch-leger .
13 the likelihood of the damage or of its being severe was due to characteristics of the animal which are not normally found in animals of the same species or are not normally so found except at particular times or in particular circumstances ; and
14 The communal and the familial are not necessarily in opposition — they are matters of levels , and although at certain times Marx seems to see this , at others he does not and Engels never does .
15 All reports to this date were looking to the development of a large area to the north of Saville Street in North Shields town centre with a view to creating a new shopping centre which would serve a population of some 70 000 , although at various times more grandiose claims about potential catchment area were made .
16 However it is worth remembering that the themes addressed by the papers in this issue are long-standing within social work and social welfare although at different times arising in response to different influences .
17 Although at some times of the year , individuals within the dogwhelk enclave may be scattered over the shore , at others they aggregate in large clusters .
18 They receive no extra remuneration whatsoever for their duties although at some times of course it can be quite dangerous .
19 We spoke in earlier chapters of people 's search for meaning as they look for the person who has died , and saw that at such times a sortie into faith healing or clairvoyance is quite common .
20 It was strange , but he imagined that at such times as this , when there was only himself and his mother in the house , the building had left its base and was afloat in the air .
21 I have this theory that at such times he 's communing with the mother ship which gave him his mission on this planet , but then I could be wrong .
22 As we shall see in 6.3 , the interrupt facility can be expanded to switch instruction sequences on the occurrence of many different events ; further we will see the need for a means of ensuring that at critical times the computer is able to ignore all but a subset of these events .
23 The tidal reach of the sea fills the lake so that at all times the water is brackish .
24 The evidence of video films is that the police advanced at a trot and that at all times they were controlled .
25 Mr Gray said Century Hutchinson accepted that Lord Aldington was ‘ a brave and dedicated officer with a deservedly distinguished war record and that at all times he was conscientiously seeking to implement the orders of higher commands without suspicion that atrocities would be committed by the Soviets and Titoists ’ .
26 Unfortunately my phone line runs through several dozen pastures and chances are , like when I talk to Dave , that at all times a cow is either standing or chewing on the line .
27 Literature is illuminated rather than obscured as we come nearer the personality and circumstances of the writer ; and provided that at all times our aim is to illuminate literature , we are on the side of the angels .
28 But , insofar as it argues that the state , notwithstanding its apparent neutrality and the inherent variability of state forms and interventions , still serves the interests of the owners of the means of production , this account still maintains that at all times the state acts to defend capital .
29 ( 3 ) Any licence granted under this Part of this Act shall provide that at all times at which alcoholic liquor is sold , food and beverages other than alcoholic liquor shall also be provided for sale , and if such food and beverages are not so provided , the holder of the licence or his employee or agent , as the case may be , shall be guilty of an offence .
30 Does the Minister also accept that , in considering agriculture , it is crucial to bear in mind the responsibility of all involved in the food chain , from production to consumption , to ensure that at all times consumers get good , healthy , pure products at the best possible price ?
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