Example sentences of "[conj] he so wished " in BNC.

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1 He freely acknowledged that responsibility for the development in rural areas of Essex would lie with the RAC but he invited the resident tutor to expand , if he so wished , his activities into existing WEA centres at Chelmsford , Harwich , Dovercourt and Silver End .
2 It was a dream that could , if he so wished , become reality .
3 If he so wished , Edward I or Edward II could disown the actions of the proctors in the Parlement .
4 The Beveridge Report referred to both of these consequences when it argued that social security benefits should be of subsistence level only , allowing the individual , if he so wished , to make his own provision for higher benefits through voluntary insurance — which should also be positively encouraged by the government through tax allowances .
5 A clause inserted by Lord Muncaster reserved for himself the right " at any time during the said 21 yrs " , if he so wished , to become a " partner of ¼ in the concern " by paying a " full part of the expenses from the commencement thereof of working the same … "
6 And Christie Goldsborough , who owned those pawnshops and those taverns could find out if he so wished just where her satin had gone .
7 He was free to follow his inclinations and join the worshippers at the Methodist chapel , if he so wished .
8 I have taken advice about what would be involved in amending the Bill to allow for such a further education council to be established at a later date by a future Secretary of State if he so wished .
9 Furthermore , he could leave the manor if he so wished , and could therefore negotiate for better terms from the lord by threatening to go if the latter refused concessions ( 79 , p.31 ) .
10 It seems to me entirely up to him , if he so wished , and his group , if they felt there needed to be more money spent on highways structural maintenance to have moved other bids up to priority order when discussing the capital budget .
11 Indeed , when he so wished , the young Edward could be dazzlingly courteous and charming .
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