Example sentences of "[conj] he hope he " in BNC.

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1 In 1928 , when Cosmo Lang was made Archbishop of Canterbury and went for his first royal audience , the King remarked that he hoped he would stop the clergy wearing moustaches .
2 The courtly interpreter of the festival , a Tunisian , after giving him some hashish jam , said to him in a tent that he hoped he had peace of mind .
3 Fagin described the hanging in terrifying detail , and said that he hoped he would never have to tell the police about Oliver — and see Oliver with a rope around his neck .
4 Dougal mumbled that he hoped he was .
5 When they announced that Hodge was playing , this Leeds ‘ fan ’ behind me groaned and said that he hoped he 'd have his leg broken !
6 IN HIS speech to the House of Commons debate on the Draft Appropriation No 2 ( Northern Ireland ) Order , in July , DUP leader , the Rev. Ian Paisley welcomed the appointment of Sir John Wheeler as NIO Security Minister adding that he hoped he would bring the benefit of his experience in prisons to bear .
7 These were now about two years old , so he hoped he might be amongst the prize winners in the next five years .
8 He had a fair idea of what Heydrich had been up to in Aalborg , and he hoped he might get confirmation this way .
9 He says he 's pleased and he hopes he can cope with what they want .
10 Tierrie Molignengo , who is 23 , works at the 15 North Parade restaurant , and he hopes he 's going to win through to the National Finals which take place in April , with his menu for four , which has by the rules of the game , to cost less than £35 .
11 He 's been visiting Oxford to promote his book and he hopes he wo n't just be preaching to the converted .
12 He says that he always shunned help from neighbours , but he hopes he now gets other help .
13 He admits the scheme cramped his dress sense and made him sweat at official functions , but he hopes he has given the people of Hawick ‘ a sense of purpose , pride and awareness of the quality of world-class knitwear they produce ’ .
14 Though he hoped he remained outwardly calm , Matthew was conscious that his spirits had taken an ominous dip .
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