Example sentences of "[conj] i asked you " in BNC.

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1 And I asked you if you remembered Emor . ’
2 And I asked you a question , Mr Ward . ’
3 But if I can just go back to where we were talking earlier erm and I asked you about anybody that you may be able to refer me on
4 If I asked you to give your usual willing hand , would … ? ’
5 ‘ Look , I know that one should n't mix business with pleasure , but if I asked you again , would you come out with me ? ’
6 ‘ For instance , ’ Miss Honey said , ‘ if I asked you to multiply fourteen by nineteen …
7 If I asked you now would n't you have to say ‘ no ’ ?
8 Well sometimes when I was asking you things like erm say if I asked you how many quarters to make a whole one ?
9 ‘ Ca n't remember if I asked you , ’ one woman said .
10 ‘ You 're talking as if I asked you to telephone , ’ she said .
11 Even taking into account the fact that you 're dead , really … ask yourself , if I asked you straight off — I 'm going to stuff you in this box now , would you rather be alive or dead ?
12 " You would n't get the wrong idea if I asked you to put that light out , would you ? " she asked .
13 A : When you ask that you betray your belief that one class is indeed superior to another : that to be born to the uneducated lower classes is a singular life-problem : though I 'm sure if I asked you straight you would , in your gentle , blind , liberal way , deny it .
14 ‘ Would you have gone if I asked you to stay ? ’
15 So , if I asked you to describe paper to someone who had never seen it before , you might suggest they visualise it as a sort of hard , smooth ‘ cloth ’ .
16 comment if I asked you for some advice ?
17 If I asked if I asked you to compile a list of advertisers of companies and businesses who you think will advertise in a medical practice booklet you may you may list out twenty five .
18 So if I asked you to calculate one of your own , you 'd be able to do it , yes .
19 Now , if I asked you , right , to present information about this A Level , cos it 's something you all know about , okay .
20 If I asked you
21 Tell nanny what that means cos I asked you yesterday .
22 So I would venture to suggest that if I 'm interviewing you as the Environmental Health Officer for a particular council on a council matter , then I would expect you to only speak on behalf of the council — unless I asked you whether your professional body was happy with your council 's policy .
23 Because I asked you and remember I rang you up about a week , a week ago and said , what , which number have you
24 If he asks his friend " What did you hear before I asked you ? " his friend will reply with some impatience " I told you before , the counter at A clicked " .
25 That was the first thing that struck me when I asked you to dance .
26 Your Grace will therefore be so good as to allow me to ask you most humbly for my discharge … seeing that when I asked you for permission to travel to Vienna three years ago you graciously declared that I had nothing to hope for in Salzburg and would do better to seek my fortune elsewhere .
27 I 'm also thrilled by the terrific response to my December letter , when I asked you to pinpoint the key issues that you believe should be tackled by the Government in order to put Britain back on the right tracks for 1992 : not surprisingly , childcare comes high on your list , as it does in the questionnaire .
28 When I asked you earlier where I fitted into the assignment you said that I 'd find out soon enough .
29 But you said you you when I asked you about the clinic on Street you thou you thought had heard of it .
30 ‘ Why did n't you go away when I asked you ? ’
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