Example sentences of "[conj] i can say " in BNC.

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1 Or I can say are you ready for traffic and travel ?
2 At this stage , I can not say what the link will be , although I can say that it will be a dedicated , high-quality link .
3 I think that I can say it was . ’
4 Not that I can say either Derek or I have ever had any problems in the Bedroom Compartment .
5 It 's not often that I can say a piece of equipment is inspiring , but reviewing the A2 actually got me coming up with some ideas that I just had to get on tape .
6 Reviewed last week as the flip to the Maniac Street Preachers ' ‘ Theme From MASH ’ , but here again so that I can say it 's one of the best records I 've heard all year .
7 The best that I can say for a personality explanation is that it prevents executives from thinking about changing their behaviour , because it understandably makes little sense for them to undergo some kind of therapy .
8 So that 's er all that I can say about that you see ?
9 ‘ You are being very naughty , ’ McAllister whispered back , pretending to be severe , ‘ and the only thing that I can say in your favour is that I am in nearly as bad a way as you are , and know exactly how you feel — but be patient , it can not be long now , ’ for she knew that once the bazaar was over , and she was at last able to tell him the truth , they could go ahead with their marriage plans , the only delaying thing being the time it would take Mama and Papa to cross the Atlantic .
10 The best that I can say is that we shall receive the answer to the question that the House of Lords has asked in forthcoming months — I hope that the number involved will be few , not great .
11 All that I can say is that the actions of Councillor Bookbinder are so incredible as to defy belief .
12 All that I can say on the fixed link between Euston and the new complex — because I mentioned that a number of options are still being considered — is that it will be a dedicated link .
13 As this matter will be central to the proceedings in the House of Lords , the House will recognise that I can say no more about it .
14 All that I can say is that the judges who have considered the matter so far are divided .
15 As there is no Scottish Member of Parliament present , I feel that I can say that without being lynched on my way out of the Chamber .
16 All that I can say is , thank God that they were isolated incidents .
17 Over twenty years that same feature has become apparent to me , so that I can say confidently that one feature of a perfect trotting swim is that it will shallow up gradually downstream .
18 There is also a systematic neutralization of the proximal-distal dimension when it is not especially relevant , so that I can say , searching through a tin of needles for a number 9 , either : ( 75 ) This is it ! ( 76 ) That 's it !
19 when providing you know depending on what else happens that I can say that here 's a date and that individual will start at .
20 It 's not the only thing you need to do , there are some other things that I can say to you now that you might recognise .
21 So that I can say the fire 's burning .
22 All I can say to you is that if it is to be good news , it would give me more pleasure than I can say ; and if it is to be bad — I have gone through it , and Anne , and many others , and one does survive and go on , though you think you never will …
23 Because I do miss you Elsie I miss you more than I can say .
24 When you went , I was angry ; more angry than I can say .
25 We all ended up happy , anyway , which is more than I can say for most marriages . ’
26 As Harriet took her granddaughter from him , all she could murmur was , ‘ Thank you , Bert , more than I can say .
27 I owe them more than I can say .
28 ‘ I 'm sorrier than I can say .
29 ‘ Which is more than I can say for the rest of this wretched world . ’
30 He brings it down harder than I can say .
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