Example sentences of "[conj] is [adv] suggest " in BNC.

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1 Kane and Arthur Russell skid the peripheries , imply a distance from the centred subject of pop that is hauntingly suggested by their Plutonic , echoing surfaces of sounds .
2 The catfish that is sometimes suggested is carnivorous and pugnacious and generally creates havoc .
3 Throughout much of urban Spain the lower-middle class , whilst larger than is sometimes suggested , was engaged in relatively small-scale economic activities involving little in the way of enterprise : family-based manufacturing , localized commerce , a primitive service sector , and not least important the buying , selling and leasing of land — a major middle-class preoccupation since the disentailment of the Church 's landed property in the mid-nineteenth century .
4 Glass and enamel tesserae , for , are uncommon in Britain — although they do occur more frequently than is sometimes suggested ( Boon 1974 , 345 ; Neal 1976 , 243 ) .
5 It is a concession of importance , since it indicates a greater convergence between the male and female work pattern than is usually suggested .
6 But , as one eminent Scottish judge pointed out in MacCormick v Lord Advocate ( above ) , why should it be assumed that successive reconstituted Parliaments at Westminster have inherited the attribute of ‘ sovereignty ’ peculiar ( and , as is above suggested , perhaps with a limited meaning even then ) to the English Parliament .
7 The MacMahon Act did not , as is often suggested , trigger Attlee 's decision in January 1947 to go ahead with the development of the British atomic bomb .
8 Nor is it possible for the sufferer to ‘ snap out of it ’ as is often suggested with varying degrees of tactfulness .
9 This has nothing to do with the chemicals all being derived from oil and coal ( see p 166 ) as is often suggested .
10 Yet for many years gerontologists , in the many disciplines that make up gerontology , have been arguing that the gloom is overstressed , that future prospects need not be so bad as is often suggested .
11 If it 's true , as is often suggested , that there are no new stories , then one of the things that makes a piece of drama original is the angle — or the frame .
12 First there is another objection to be considered : do deviant identities and sexualities really denaturalize through theatrical parody as straightforwardly as is sometimes suggested ?
13 It is important to be clear that the people of Denmark did not vote for a modification of the Treaty , as is sometimes suggested .
14 What needs to be done is not as hard to conceive of as is sometimes suggested .
15 He did not see Crosland hinting at wanting to ‘ nationalize ’ or exert control over the universities , and he did not see the DES as being ‘ jealous of the universities as is sometimes suggested ’ .
16 There is also a certain problem in taking women 's freedom to dispose of their own sexuality as an indicator of their influence and power in general , as is tacitly suggested by both Morgan and Engels .
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