Example sentences of "[conj] it was difficult " in BNC.

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1 This was done particularly in patients where it was difficult to confidently identify the caecum .
2 ‘ May I observe that this is a rather strange sort of idleness … ’ and he went on to admit that , although it was difficult for him to defend his present way of life , there was purpose in it , even if that purpose was an obscure one .
3 The industrial investment group identified a stronger pressure on recruiting candidates with MBAs , and expected recruiting to be slightly easier as a result of the Crash , although it was difficult to judge .
4 Although it was difficult , in practice , to stop war from breaking out , serious attempts were made to control it by emphasising that only a war duly and properly declared by a soverign authority could be regarded as just .
5 Although it was difficult to pretend that a former member of the Rhodesian Special Air Service was on a par in purely military terms with a goat-herd from Bolivia , the fact that both were starting afresh made administration that much easier .
6 We took up cases of sexual harassment as well , although it was difficult .
7 There was no sound from outside , although it was difficult to pick out anything in the torrential rain that battered both cottage and landscape .
8 The woman was younger than she had supposed , although it was difficult to judge her age at all precisely .
9 She got out of bed and thought everything over very carefully , and although it was difficult to keep emotion out of it , she still came back to the self-same answer .
10 The quality of the recipes was such that it was difficult to choose which to publish .
11 A possible reason is that it was difficult to get arms and ammunition to the right place , despite the virtual absence of border controls between Germany and its western neighbours .
12 There were so many possessions in it , brought from his old home in Fiesole by Mr Browning to make the old gentleman feel as familiar as possible , that it was difficult to move about .
13 The quantity of wealth and the range of differences were so great and so new that it was difficult to assimilate it to any picture of how Zuwaya had done things in the past .
14 So thin , in fact , that it was difficult not to share the view of Rogan Taylor , former chairman of the FSA , that the FA 's real motive was to restore Hillsborough 's status in support of their bid for the finals of the 1996 European Championship .
15 South African captain Kepler Wessels 's verdict on his side 's 107-run defeat was that it was difficult to go straight into an international match without a warm-up game .
16 It has already been pointed out that it was difficult for many part-time farmers to get time away from their jobs so adult training normally took place in the evenings and at weekends .
17 But so vast was the scale of the enterprise and to a certain extent so obvious the direction of the streets , that it was difficult to prevent would-be profiteers from benefiting .
18 She was very afraid of taking weight through her left leg , and could only feel deep sensations on her left side , so that it was difficult for her to know where her arm and leg were in space .
19 The next morning , I was so stiff that it was difficult to climb downstairs .
20 The Builder complained that it was difficult to identify the separate sets of drawings and there were also complaints about the lack of light , while some drawings , like Scott 's principal view , were placed so high that they could not be seen properly .
21 Managers found that it was difficult to compete with the Scottish factories .
22 Most of our Shetlander informants stressed that it was difficult to talk about groups or categories among Shetlanders .
23 When I first set up home on my own I had so many bits of ill-assorted furniture that various friends and relatives had given me , that it was difficult to ever imagine having a beautiful home .
24 Had it been deliberate Edouard hesitated , unsure ; it had happened so quickly that it was difficult to know .
25 A jerking pop star was wielding his guitar as the credits rolled , his parodic sexual gyrations so grotesque that it was difficult to see that even the besotted young could find them erotic .
26 The first — from 1952 to 1957 — was so undistinguished that it was difficult for filmgoers to believe that she was the same actress who returned to movies after five years on Broadway .
27 The day was a continuous series of interruptions so that it was difficult for clients to have any real period of rest and quiet .
28 Pannell Kerr Forster 's Tony Foreman cautioned that it was difficult to see an exit route from property zone trusts and wealthy clients were inclined to put £40,000 in the BES before considering such schemes .
29 She found that it was difficult to stand ; she put out her hand to the wall to support herself lest she sway .
30 The curve of size against strength was rising so rapidly ( Figure 1 ) that it was difficult to ascertain 8 maximum or upper limit to the strength .
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