Example sentences of "[conj] it [is] worth " in BNC.

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1 From Red Pike follow the ridge to High Stile ( 0.75 miles ) where it is worth wandering a little northwards along the summit spur to get the best views of Buttermere .
2 This is not the place to dwell on the answer to the first question , although it is worth remarking that there are significant nuances of opinion between Britain , on the one hand , and France and Germany , on the other , concerning the relationship with the United States .
3 Unfortunately , these encouraging results have not been substantiated in prospective studies of special forms of treatment , although it is worth noting that no proper , prospective controlled study in which patients have been randomly assigned to either a treatment or a no-treatment group has been carried out .
4 It does of course raise serious questions about reductionism ( Peacocke 1985 ) , although it is worth noting that reductionism between levels ( e.g. from the social to the biological or from the biological to the biochemical ) is different from reductionism within a given level ( e.g. the psychological as against the sociological , or the sociological as against the economic ) , which is a matter of perspective or aspect rather than level in Comte 's terms .
5 In the first place Braque had detached himself from visual appearances to a much greater extent than Cézanne , who while he was obviously very much aware ( if only instinctively ) of the purely formal or abstract side of painting , relied nevertheless , in his still lifes and landscapes , on an exhaustive study of the ‘ motif ’ as his point of departure , although it is worth mentioning that in his articles Emile Bernard had suggested that Cézanne 's vision ‘ was much more in his brain than in his eye ’ .
6 Although it is worth stressing that Saussure 's work is open to a variety of interpretations , and although he himself did not use the concepts structure and structural , it was his idea of the arbitrary and differential nature of the linguistic sign , and therefore of the essential disjunction between language and reality , that became the foundation of the structuralist movement .
7 Nor it is worth pursuing that the sandwiches at 10 Downing Street were probably very much better than those in The Centenary at Norton .
8 And , as Mark himself said , when asked whether he had any words of advice for those who might follow in his footsteps , ‘ I would tell them that it 's worth it if the alternative is that they die . ’
9 Teams will do anything to stop a try being scored now that it 's worth more .
10 Last month I tried to convince you that it 's worth knowing more about the Windows INI ( initialization ) files .
11 A couple of handfuls scattered over the area surrounding the sett , an hour or two before dusk , will often convince the resident brocks that it 's worth staying a while longer before going off to forage .
12 Says Jim : ‘ It is a costly exercise , but we feel that it 's worth every penny .
13 Mention has been made to the paperwork , I think that it 's worth reminding ourselves that a lot of the paperwork that has been generated , is a direct result of Conservative government introduced legislation , particularly cri criminal justice er , legislation , which requires a considerable amount of paperwork , erm , to be completed by officers , quite often in long , in longhand , and not making use of technology , where in fact they er , a great deal of time and effort could be con , er could be er , saved .
14 So erm that 's , if you 're , if you 're getting behind on that it 's worth trying to do something about it soonish before you get too far behind to manage to catch up
15 I do n't feel that it 's worth doing .
16 Here are then , can have that one , do n't lose that it 's worth a lot of money
17 Or you could go in and say , ‘ Listen , , can I suggest two or three aspects of this that it 's worth covering ?
18 To suggest that it is worth the effort of destruction .
19 Accidents due to swinging on take-off and landing are so common that it is worth studying the causes in detail .
20 However , with a bit of training a step-up roundhouse kick or reverse roundhouse kick will convince the referee that it is worth a full point .
21 Guardian readers are sufficiently interesting and distinctive that it is worth tolerating the statistical uncertainties caused by our small sample and the Guardian 's small readership .
22 The problems of equipment-cost inflation have become so crucial in Defence planning that it is worth recalling briefly how the British weapon procurement system works .
23 It is certainly true that it is worth ‘ pooling ’ sovereignty in some areas since it makes more sense to do this than to act independently .
24 But if the importance of a facade to a street has been recognized once , the argument that it is worth retaining for its contribution to the townscape must be upheld .
25 A further point is that the Shotgun model includes a large number of carrier variables and that it is worth further investigation to see if a more parsimonious model provides a satisfactory relationship .
26 One of the many compliments that can be paid this finely produced book is that it is worth reading from cover to cover .
27 Some children never learn that it is worth the effort and so do not learn to read efficiently .
28 Although the technology was not microprocessor-based , and the events are now thirty years past , the study 's theoretical approach and empirical findings are of such interest and relevance that it is worth describing them in some detail .
29 His publisher may then decide that it is worth incorporating all the additions and corrections in another edition .
30 If screaming for sweets in the supermarket can occasionally be successful the child learns that it is worth having a go every time they pass the supermarket checkout .
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