Example sentences of "[conj] you happened [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I guess I threw myself at you because of everything that had happened between Jonathan and myself ; I guess I was just looking for a diversion and you happened to be in the right place at the right time . ’
2 If you happened to be megafabulously famous way back at the start of the '70s , the problems are literally multiplied twentyfold .
3 If you happened to be in Hyde Park on October 21st , you may have seen celebrities like Gloria Hunniford , Lyndsey De Paul , James Coburn and Roger Daltrey with spade in hand in aid of the Prince of Wales Trust ( they 're all devotees of Paul Mitchell products , I 'm sure ! ) .
4 We all had a good laugh about it , but it was not so funny if you happened to be Keith Fletcher .
5 After all , if you happened to be next him after dinner for ten minutes , he would get invaluable hints .
6 So if you happened to be out of the house working it was too bad , unless you got a house cleaner to put your name down for you .
7 ‘ And imagine what it must have been like before all those modern office ‘ towers ’ were built to dwarf it — especially if you happened to be a traitor .
8 What they did at a branch on our district erm , again it was just like set up , people were given specific tasks , but at the end of the three month cycle , they 'd change some people , er , those people 's tasks so that they , so they would n't get stagnant , and plus , if one person was off , if you happened to be on holiday , you 've got somebody else that can do the job at the standard and not let the standard fall .
9 ‘ It was a hysterical scene — unless you happened to be in the housing offices at the time . ’
10 All of this is very unlikely , unless you happened to be lucky enough to attend a reasonably progressive school .
11 Er all the clothing you had was provided by yourself , boiler suits , boots er there there was no protective clothing at all , there were no protection for your hearing , er there was no what we called leathers as such for er to save you from getting burned with scales off of the rivets , with burning machines etcetera , there were n't there was absolutely no er protective clothing at all , unless you happened to be able to buy it yourself somewhere .
12 That is , unless you happened to be about to meet them across a conference table .
13 Unless , Robbie — testing potatoes with a fork — thought darkly , unless you happened to be in love with the person sharing your confinement .
14 He was glad that Henry had n't waived the charge altogether ; you would n't expect an electrician to rewire your house for free , just because you happened to be acquainted .
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