Example sentences of "[conj] you be making " in BNC.

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1 are , are the same but I see the point that you 're making is that the workload is n't just the initial action plan .
2 ‘ I 've told Myra you 've mistaken me for Dana and that you 're making me go with you to look for Garry , but she 's inclined to discount that — she 's building a romance round us . ’
3 ‘ You ca n't have any real scruples about our supposed affair or we would n't be working for you , so I can only assume that you 're making this personal attack for the sheer hell of it , because you once got a kick out of disapproving of me — despising me — and you 're trying to recapture the thrill of it all . ’
4 What 's come out in the in the telephone call which you recorded was that er the father baby she is alleging is actually her own father what do you think do you think that puts her in any danger the fact that you 're making this public that the father may hear this .
5 Can I ask Mr , to clarify points that you 're making is you would like H one to be phased ?
6 the the point er er that you 're making Mr Trotter .
7 Is the point that you 're making is that , that when you look at the evidence later on it sort of conflicts with that ?
8 You could almost say there 's a kind of rule that says you ought to write in fairly free verse nowadays and that you 're making a kind of statement if you do n't .
9 If you find that you are making no gains in size whatsoever , do not be tempted to do more exercises or repetitions because this could lead to overtraining .
10 Although he must not make any physical effort , you should allow him to follow the sequence of movements that you are making , and tell him what you are doing and why .
11 Be sure that you are making a distinction between the instructions and intent of that chapter and this one .
12 The first sign that you are making real progress in learning to fly is that such mishaps become rarer and , eventually , uncommon despite the model not having been changed in any way .
13 ’ . At the same time , this confirms to the counsellees that you are interested in the way they are thinking and feeling , and that you are making every effort to see their point of view .
14 There must be no suspicion that you are making use of your official position to further your private interests .
15 Er obviously , I mean the new towns movement as conceived immediately after the war was geared to meeting London housing needs , you know , we 're not comparing like with like , but I think , I take the point that you are making in terms of er sustainability .
16 I mention those figures , the need for a large membership is self evident and I know that you are making tremendous efforts to increase that membership .
17 No they 're not gon na exploit their own workers but surely the , the , the whole idea of the build up towards land reform is that you are making , I mean in a Marxist sense it 's the only way in which you can do it is , is you make progress through conflict .
18 Instead for many , many years there has been in Channel 4 a culture , which allowed you to expect these matters to be dealt with properly , without being made to feel that you were being perverse in raising the issue yet again or that you were making a point or a special case .
19 Socially and psychologically women are brought up to care for relationships , to care for people , they want to do it well , where it goes wrong they tend to blame themselves , but equally we have eminent members of the judiciary who in the past have commented in some of the cases of severe assaults on women , the kind of er quote that you were making
20 erm if people are restored to confidence , feel that they are able to travel , that of course reduces the number of people who are going to stay in this country and have their holidays here , and Stan , if I can come back to you , I mean we it is almost arguing against the point that you were making a few moments ago that , you know , you want people to stay in this country .
21 So you 're making for Paddington ? ’
22 Oh I see , so you 're making a the most of his absence are you ?
23 Where once you were making a conscious effort to cast long and accurately and were aware of the amount of punch you needed to put into the strike , you will find that with experience you begin to do these things quite naturally .
24 An hour maybe and you are making contingency plans .
25 And you 're making applications for an occasional license for Saturday the twenty ninth of October to run the bar at Nell Gwyn village hall on behalf of the the village hall committee is that right ?
26 And you 're making application for temporary authority to operate the licensed
27 And you 're making applications for an occasion licence for Saturday the twenty ninth of October to run a bar at Norbury village hall on behalf of the the village hall committee , is that right ?
28 And you 're making the application for temporary authority to operate the licence in respect of premises known as Kwiksave Supermarket ?
29 And you 're making a hash of this , Melissa .
30 And what about the other eighty thousand who are paying it and you 're making them pay more ?
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