Example sentences of "[conj] in [art] absence " in BNC.

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1 The court has always had power to take a child out of the custody of a parent or guardian in cases of misconduct or unfitness , and in such cases , or in the absence of any lawful guardian , to appoint a suitable person as guardian .
2 FIG. 2 Propidium iodide fluorescence ( a-c ) and electron microscopy ( d-f ) of cells cultured in 10% FCS for 48h ( a , d ) , in 10% FCS and 1μM staurosporine for 18–20h ( b , e ) , or in the absence of FCS for 48h ( c , f ) .
3 ( L ) and c.p.m. ( 0 ) represent the amount of bound 125 I-labelled substance P in the presence or in the absence of unlabelled ligand , respectively ; L represents the concentration of unlabelled ligand , and IC 50 represents the concentration of unlabelled ligand that causes 50% inhibition of specifically bound 125 I-labelled substance P. Either Bolton-Hunter 125 I-labelled substance P or [ 125 I ] Tyr8-substance P were used in the assay ; both radioligands gave identical IC 50 values .
4 in respect of self-employed persons , in receipt of National Insurance Unemployment Benefit or in the absence of the entitlement to such benefit provides satisfactory evidence of being registered at the Department of Employment ( DHSS in Northern Ireland ) .
5 The search continued for drugs which would relieve anxiety , although in the absence of good models , approaches were bound to be somewhat speculative , and good luck also played its part .
6 Its leader , Mr Khan Abdul Wali Khan , argues that in the absence of large-scale development in the area or alternative jobs , the government should compensate the farmers for their crop , or simply buy the whole lot .
7 I guessed that in the absence of a sign to In Salah the lads would have kept going towards Hamouda , so I followed .
8 Among the reasons given for this conclusion were that the system imposes long delays in obtaining foreign exchange for essential imports , thus putting a brake on exports ; that the rate of exchange was not adjusted sufficiently ; and that in the absence of retention rights the exporters had lost their motivation for exporting .
9 Conversely , it has also been shown that in the absence of another meal , the previous one may be kept in the stomach for more than twice as long as usual ( Chitty , 1938 ) , presumably with a gradual increase in stomach acidity , and the bones in this instance are likely to be strongly modified or even totally destroyed .
10 From these data it could be concluded that in the absence of any rank related thermal behaviour , hysteresis effects are not operative .
11 In keeping with the spirit of the Blues Skies approach I should also point out that in the absence of clearly identified industrial or commercial possibilities ( as opposed to imagined ones ) the research would not be subject to the constraints of confidentiality .
12 It seems , then , that in the absence of more objective procedures and criteria , government is here prepared to place its trust in the process described in a well-known British idiom as ‘ it takes one to know one ’ .
13 It is possible that in the absence of Lmp2 and Lmp7 , peptides of inappropriate length are generated , which would result in a decreased stability of the assembled class I molecules .
14 True democrats will easily be persuaded that in the absence of an absolute majority for either of the two big parties the pivotal role of a third party is inevitable and salutary .
15 The Profitboss encourages risk-taking , knowing that in the absence of risk there will be an absence of decision and of profit .
16 The principle of universalizability tells us , then , that in the absence of an available difference we must make the same judgement again .
17 Instead of saying that in the absence of a community there can be no rules , we say that what is wrong with the solipsist 's rules is that they can not be set up in the way he pretends , by using a private experience as a sample .
18 It may be reasonably confidently assumed that the different criteria for ambiguity which have been described in fact are sensitive to the same underlying semantic property , and that in the absence of ‘ special factors ’ will provide identical diagnoses .
19 So important is the committal rate that in the absence of a significant reduction , pressure for such a reform is likely to resurface in the future .
20 It is one thing to provide ( as in section 6(3) ( b ) ) that in the absence of special arrangements parental preferences is to prevail over a desire to keep places vacant on , for example , religious grounds : it is quite another to say that when some parental preferences are to be denied in any event as must be the case under section 6(3) ( a ) ) the choice of those parental preferences which are to prevail and those which are to be defeated should not be based on religious criteria .
21 He contended that in the absence of a presumption where there is substantial dealy it will be for the prosecution to justify it .
22 So if the revenue had refused in the exercise of their discretion to make the repayment they did in the present case I am of opinion that in the absence of any other remedy it would have been open to Woolwich to claim repayment in proceedings for judicial review , and there would appear to be no reason why such proceedings would not have been successful .
23 Whilst it is true that the port authority may carry out its functions through another person such as the dock company , it does not follow that in the absence of statutory authority it can itself transfer any statutory immunities to the entity through which it chooses to operate .
24 This court held that the board was required to give reasons for the way in which it had reached its award , and that in the absence of such reasons its award was prima facie irrational .
25 267 , which came to the Privy Council just before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council was created , provides a valuable illustration of the fact that in the absence of such arrangements as were made between the Inns of Court and the judges in this country , the power to judges to determine who were fit and proper persons to practise before them , where it existed , was regarded as essential for the due administration of justice .
26 It is generally assumed that in the absence of methodological artifacts visual laterality effects in normals arise either because one cerebral hemisphere is relatively inefficient at processing or retrieving the stimulus material presented and/or because one hemisphere can not fully process the information and has to send it across the corpus callosum to the opposite hemisphere .
27 This implies that in the absence of specific constraints subjects are free to attend to different aspects of the stimulus .
28 It may be obtained from the consideration that in the absence of an external current the line integral of H ( taken over the dotted lines in Fig. 3.11(b) ) must vanish , leading
29 It seems intuitively likely that in the absence of effective shareholder control or other forms of external discipline some managers will shirk , though the importance of a sense of professionalism and self-esteem should not be overlooked .
30 Perhaps the commonest explanation of the patterns which emerge from a stratificational analysis is that in the absence of opportunities to mark status by occupation , women resort to language .
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