Example sentences of "[conj] a high degree " in BNC.

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1 The other major role of the sculptor is in the service of religion , where a high degree of interplay between artist and patron is not necessarily so important , making the sculptor 's situation into one which is more like the painter 's .
2 Still other patterns of agricultural life could be found in western Germany , France and Switzerland , where a high degree of subdivision of the land among peasant proprietors was already in 1880 the rule , and was to increase .
3 They will be used where a high degree of statistical accuracy is needed , such as in substantiating claims for market share , or in the development of new products that are to be positioned ( targeted ) accurately on relatively small market segments .
4 Plants are highly resistant to the great majority of potentially damaging species , and plant breeding programmes continue to manipulate genes that confer immunity or a high degree of resistance .
5 Effective educational action in the disadvantaged areas may well depend on a fundamental questioning of the assumption that a high degree of uniformity is required throughout educational systems in order to ensure equality of opportunity for all children .
6 It is likely that these perceptions of health reflect expectations that a high degree of ill health and discomfort should be accepted in old age .
7 There is practically no overlap between avian and mammalian predators , so that a high degree of tooth breakage strongly indicates carnivore action ( but see below ) .
8 Design and control appeared to be the main areas of commonality , indicating that a high degree of cooperation and communication was needed with regard to information of mutual interest .
9 On many occasions in our study we found a sharp contrast between the professionals ' perception that a high degree of consensus had been reached and the parents ' perception that they had agreed to a course of action because they saw no other real choice , particularly if the urgent needs of the child and other family members were to be quickly met .
10 This suggests that a high degree of practice of a specific task in the situation where it is needed can lead to success , but whether such skills so acquired in one situation are transferable to others is a contentious point .
11 The heavy workload and the difficulty of the work itself meant that a high degree of conformity was required of all but the most able students .
12 The risk involved in the defendants ' operations was so great that a high degree of care was expected of them .
13 The New Critics argued both that these broader associations were an essential part of the meaning of literature , and that a high degree of consensus existed , at least among experienced readers , as to which associations were attached to which words .
14 The Government are right not to rule out progress towards that , and to point out that a high degree of convergence of economies will be necessary before any single currency can be contemplated , agreed by this House , or sustained thereafter .
15 It can be seen that a high degree of organisation and ample provision of resources would be essential for such an exercise to work .
16 The police were far better organized than ever before , with the National Reporting Centre to co-ordinate police movements and intelligence and a high degree of latitude given to police in the handling of pickets , however violent the methods used .
17 ‘ But cereal growers adopting the integrated control approach must appreciate that input costs are increased and a high degree of management is needed if the best results are to be achieved , ’ he adds .
18 Enjoy the freshly prepared food and a high degree of personal attention .
19 Socially and economically these areas are fragile , with low family incomes and a high degree of self-provisioning .
20 His robot companions were now to operate well away from him across a fairly large room and at key moments in the drama when there was an anticipatory silence from everyone else , he found he had the personal ‘ power ’ , and with some verbal style ( and a high degree of repressed excitement as he discovered he could be publicly effective ) he presented himself as an efficient robot controller .
21 Even in split schools ( mainly in rural areas ) there are presumably close links between levels , and a high degree of curriculum continuity .
22 A brief scanning of the literature reveals numerous unquestioned assumptions and a high degree of confusion and contradiction in what is being talked about .
23 Experience in the use of computer modelling is highly desirable and a high degree of numeracy is essential .
24 It is often assumed that employers take advantage of the demand for positions where interesting work , pleasant conditions and a high degree of job satisfaction are reckoned to make up for low pay .
25 Arbitration not only led to centralised wage-fixing and a high degree of centralised decision-making by both employers and unions , as well as inhibiting the development of a strong shop steward movement , it also fostered a fragmented union movement ( Lansbury , 1978a ) .
26 Yet it can be argued that large size and a high degree of industrial concentration of capital tend to assist the organisation of employers by making agreements between them easier to secure .
27 The fragmentary archives preserved in the temples at the time of their destruction imply minutely centralized control and a high degree of order .
28 Japan 's pivotal role in the world economy has provoked a search for the reasons why Japan 's economy has continued to prosper in the face of a lack of natural resources and a high degree of dependence on international trade .
29 Skanform panels are claimed to be ideal for covering large wall areas in environments where surfaces are constantly cleaned and a high degree of hygiene is necessary .
30 Whilst a high degree of integration is possible within the InteSoft series external integration is rather more limited .
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