Example sentences of "[conj] the patient is " in BNC.

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1 Unless a bleeding point is seen on colonoscopy or the patient is found to have carcinoma of the colon , all patients should have upper gastrointestinal endoscopy .
2 Where the patient is incompetent , any analysis of the situation should consider children separately from adults .
3 He cites examples of nausea with no apparent cause , where the patient is unconsciously saying ‘ I 'm sick of this situation ’ .
4 Most obviously , the power will be exercised where the patient is a known danger to the public or is a known suicide risk .
5 The test of incapacity should be either that contained in s94(2) ( where a judge has to be satisfied of the incapacity ) or that in the wider provision of s145(1) ( where the patient is " a person suffering or appearing to be suffering from mental disorder " ) .
6 This would mean that the patient is heavily reliant on assembled phonology .
7 You must be satisfied that the patient is progressing towards cure according to homœopathic principles : some repetition of an ill chosen remedy may do no harm , because of the brief action of each dose , but persistent use of a superficial remedy may cause harm .
8 In a few clinics there is an appointments system which at least ensures that the patient is seen when he or she expects to be seen , but there may be delays in getting an appointment .
9 They have been devised to place minimum strain on the lifter and her back , while ensuring that the patient is not at risk of falling or being dropped .
10 The carer must ensure that the patient is cleaned thoroughly when he has finished .
11 You should always double-check that the patient is sitting up safely , and keep watch in case he changes position as you go along .
12 If money is short while the patient is ill , there is great pressure on the carer and the family , and often it may mean that the patient is unable to receive the specialist rehabilitation treatment which is increasingly difficult to obtain under the National Health Service .
13 If you watch the treatment sessions , you may sometimes think that the patient is not taking any active role in initiating movements , whereas the physiotherapist seems to be doing the movements for him .
14 If the treatment sessions take place in a large gymnasium , for instance , the physiotherapist will screen off a section of the space for greater privacy , and so that the patient is not distracted by seeing what is going on around him .
15 In the sense that myself and another doctor , I think two doctors have to agree that the patient is terminal , and I think that would have been likely ; as a matter of fact , I knew f no one who felt we should push ahead , and he had four or five physicians in different roles dealing with him , so he would have fulfilled the definition of being terminal .
16 Indeed , oftentimes a doctor may expect trust without himself reciprocating , in that , for example , he will choose not to tell his patient certain facts , on the paternalistic premiss that the patient is better off not knowing .
17 There are , therefore , two key features : first , that the patient is of an age the law regards as proper , and second , that he is of sound mind .
18 All this assumes , of course , that the doctor 's duty demands that he first satisfy himself that the patient is capable of making a rational decision .
19 First , if the patient meets the criteria of brain-stem death in that , inter alia , he shows no sign of brain-stem activity and , in particular , does not breathe spontaneously , then the diagnosis that the patient is dead can be confirmed .
20 The blood glucose should be monitored hourly after commencing an intravenous insulin infusion to ensure that the patient is not becoming hypoglycaemic .
21 Repetition with increasing suicidal intent can be a forewarning that the patient is likely to make a fatal attempt ( Pierce 1981 ) .
22 This means that the practitioner recognizes that the patient is not just a physical entity but also has emotional , mental and spiritual aspects — all or any of which may need treatment .
23 ‘ I think you might say , sir , that the patient is coming along as well as could be expected .
24 2 to ensure that the patient is in the best psychological and physical state possible prior to surgery .
25 1 To ensure that the patient is in the best psychological and physical condition for the operation .
26 This is by no means to say that the patient is not entitled to receive and indeed invite advice and assistance from others in reaching a decision , particularly from members of the family .
27 However the presumption of capacity to decide , which stems from the fact that the patient is an adult , is rebuttable .
28 They explain that the patient is engaged in a legal battle with his brother over some land .
29 The small gamma probe used in our study has the added advantage that the patient is free to have a normal routine while the detector is worn .
30 However , what is missed is the fact that the patient is allowed to become , or is being made , more severely ill in the second ICU .
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