Example sentences of "[conj] the reader may " in BNC.

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1 In his London Shadows , Godwin removes the facade from a house ( Fig. 32a–d ) , so that the reader may see for himself how many people are crammed in behind it .
2 So that the reader may appreciate the real motivation behind this exercise , it is necessary to give background information on HSDU , which serves as a valuable source of most of my experience .
3 It is arguable that the reader may actually be confused rather than helped by the deviation from convention , precisely because she or he is expecting you to conform to the rules of punctuation .
4 The examples in this section are Janus-like , in that the reader may interpret them metaphorically but , in the light of the examples in the previous section , it seems to me that we should interpret them as cases of underlexicalisation .
5 Although the reader may be entertained by debating the correctness of this analogy , its inclusion is intended to underline the principle that the design of a study and the analysis of the resulting information are intimately related .
6 The weather being too boisterous to admit of a boat being lowered , I endeavoured to capture the bird with a hook and line , and the ordinary sea-hooks being too large for the purpose , I was in the act of selecting a hook from my stock of salmon-flies , when a sudden gust of wind blew my hooks , and a piece of parchment ten inches long by six inches wide on which they were lying , overboard into the sea , and I was obliged to give up the attempt for that day ; on the next I succeeded in capturing the bird with a hook baited with fat , and the reader may judge of my surprise when on opening the stomach I there found the piece of parchment , so completely uninjured that it was dried and again restored to its original use. ,
7 Later , her husband became impotent when he tried to make love to her — by the power of prayer , Margery insists , but the reader may have reservations .
8 In what follows we focus on the last of these — the possibility that debt finance may shift the burden by passing on a reduced capital stock — but the reader may like to consider the other two aspects .
9 Lest the reader may point out that the examples so far are predominantly drawn from small countries and affecting only small populations , others , such as areas of China and India are discussed elsewhere in this book .
10 I also made documentaries on the battleships Bismarck and Tirpitz , with both of which , as the reader may recall , I had had distant brushes , and the battlecruiser or fast battleship Scharnhorst which had sunk my father 's Rawalpindi .
11 That happened , as the reader may remember , in my grandfather 's case ; for the last two years of his life he was bedridden , often in acute discomfort , before finally succumbing .
12 In fact , as the reader may have noticed already , the two terms behave exactly like the classical Saussurean sign discussed in Chapter 2 , defined not by their essence but by their difference .
13 As the reader may already have guessed , the solution again lies in that endlessly resourceful answer to moral dilemmas — witchcraft .
14 The views expressed have not always been my own , but rather a collection of disparate angles on the topic , as the reader may have noticed .
15 There are frequently one or more characters within the fabliau who are as well informed of the situation as the reader may be , and in control of it .
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