Example sentences of "[conj] assure [pers pn] that " in BNC.

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1 As the host of an all-night radio show , Shepard would commune with his insomniac listeners in a way that assured them that they , the ‘ night people ’ , were the ones really in tune with life .
2 ‘ I 'm — fond of Travis — very fond , ’ she stated , then caught the dangerous glint in her employer 's eye that assured her that her prevarication was n't going down too well .
3 He found a rusty man-trap in a cupboard — an evil contraption of chains and springs and teeth — and assured her that it had taken the leg off more than one poacher in its day .
4 Sid patiently tutored me on star gradings and assured me that technically the climb was only a V. Diff , so I would cope !
5 She instantly strode across the shop and took a book from among thousands and assured me that it contained all I would ever need to know about cooking for ever .
6 The last man I had hired came with me and assured me that the girl who rode to the house was Jenna Bryant .
7 In February 1937 Marshal Göring visited Marshal Śmigły-Rydz in Warsaw and assured him that Germany had absolutely no territorial claims on the Polish Corridor and that Danzig , though ‘ eternally bound ’ to Poland by trade , would remain a Free City .
8 His mother had encouraged it , over-indulged him and assured him that he always came first .
9 He was aware that Ballater was looking at his hands and assured him that he could wield a spade perfectly well .
10 We parted at Paddington , and assured them that they would have to change trains at Oxford .
11 A little later , he met the leaders of the Provisional IRA in Dublin and assured them that he would be delighted if he could cut it down to ten or eight years .
12 I left out any reference to brutality in our lives and assured them that I was well and healthy , which I was .
13 The commanding officer had given them more details of the crash and assured them that Whitey would have died quickly , although his body was badly burned .
14 A senior detective at Marbella said last night : ‘ This lady told our detectives that she had no idea there was that much concern in London for her daughter and assured them that she would now return home as soon as possible . ’
15 It was an extremely friendly letter offering me a pint if ever our paths crossed and assuring me that he was , indeed , alive and well .
16 Nahum was immediately contrite , apologizing for his hesitation and assuring her that her health was more important than anything else , especially if there was the longed-for reason for her tiredness .
17 I wrote back thanking him and assuring him that there were no hard feelings on my part , but my decision is unchanged .
18 However , on his freedom he returned to Saltash to call on Keast , thank him for his friendship and hospitality and assure him that he had been cured .
19 On holiday , when people look at my freckles and fair hair and warn me to keep out of the sun , I give a deep confident laugh and assure them that I turn mahogany brown .
20 ‘ You 're supposed to roll your eyes and assure me that I just had the low-cal , spun-out-of-air version of — whatever all that incredible stuff was . ’
21 The well-tested welfare organisation swung into gear , as the Welfare Officer once again climbed into her car to go and speak to the wife and assure her that temporary accommodation had been arranged for her and the family , and that the move from one house to another would be made as smooth as possible .
22 Felipe took no notice whatever of his sister and it was Maggie who had to comfort her and assure her that no harm had been done .
23 Let me first thank you for your help , and assure you that you need have no fear . ’
24 Seldom if ever will he invite you to carry on , and assure you that if things go wrong he will bear the burden of guilt .
25 The displays demonstrate the reality , provide live plants to look at , and assure us that nothing larger than an unfortunate lizard or rat makes it into the green traps .
26 He hopes that the discussion will not take up too much of their time , but assures them that their advice and guidance will be of great importance .
27 Yes , in Vienna , a lady , I will not say her name but assure you that any conversation I had with poor little Mrs Crump was most decidedly not on this subject and not about this lady — she has clearly clutched at a reference and taken it for a confidence — in Vienna , this lady of , I may admit it , royal connection , formed an attachment for me which was not reciprocated but proved most difficult to disengage .
28 She did n't know whether to assure him that she needed a dose of his big prick , or a damn good spanking .
29 Secondly , the nature of the controls imposed on management so as to assure us that their power can not be used arbitrarily will be analysed and criticized .
30 Though assuring them that Kazakhstan , Byelarus and Ukraine had undertaken to give up their nuclear weapons , he also warned of the danger of social unrest in the former Soviet Union .
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