Example sentences of "[conj] knock he out " in BNC.

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1 This allows competitors to fight under virtually the same rules as their full-contact brothers , but strikes and kicks are judged more on a points system , points being awarded for perfection of technique rather than for pounding a competitor into the ground or knocking him out .
2 Warhurst was allowed home from hospital yesterday after the clash with Spora 's keeper that knocked him out and almost cost him his life .
3 I thought I might hit him with it and knock him out , if I did it at just the right moment .
4 The assistance , however late in the day , gave Hewett a new lease of life ; he flew at Slatter , striking him so hard with his police stick that he split it in pieces and knocked him out .
5 On the way here this morning , the picture of the Carrie he had once known and played with … and loved , had been plain in his mind ; and the nearer he had come to the house where she now lived , he imagined the Carrie he expected to see would be merely an older replica of the one who had run out of his life the day his mother had hit him and knocked him out .
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