Example sentences of "[conj] replace by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Isolation groove 7 may be filled with insulation or replaced by a high resistivity region .
2 Now the firm brings in a designer to improve their image and as a result better fonts and more variation are required so the printer is either upgraded to or replaced by a PostScript device .
3 The printer is noisy and should be fitted with an acoustic hood , or replaced by a quieter machine .
4 This is especially so when the idea of ‘ reflection ’ — in which art works directly embody pre-existing social material — is modified or replaced by the idea of ‘ mediation ’ .
5 However , one major difference has been that the mind of an individual develops with time and becomes better at the tasks it undertakes , whereas computers , with certain limited exceptions , perform at the same level of ability until replaced by a better machine or a better program .
6 In a letter from Tangier to Ken in London — Orton was known to write to him on toilet paper — he told Williams that ‘ Bill and Mike ’ kept Ken 's picture on the bar for several days until replaced by a half-empty Chianti bottle .
7 Akashi was reported to have dismissed these Khmer Rouge demands , insisting that the peace agreement provided for the country 's Vietnamese-installed administration to remain in place until replaced by an elected government in April or May 1993 .
8 The pivotal notion of Spandau prison being pulled down and replaced by a supermarket was one which greatly excited Brenton , signifying at a stroke both Western Europe 's descent into cynical consumerism and the wiping out of history .
9 It had been decided in July 1944 that the Cabinet Committee on post-War Civil Aviation should be wound up and replaced by a Minister responsible specifically for this area of policy .
10 Something of the flavour appears in a cryptic note sent from North to Rafsanjani late in 1986 , when Ghorbanifar had been dropped from the equation and replaced by a more promising-seeming young Iranian official , the ‘ Second Channel ’ .
11 It was demolished in 1911 and replaced by a much more utilitarian building .
12 In Edmonton the classical station was demolished and replaced by a tower block in 1966 .
13 Saskatoon 's station was closed in 1969 , and replaced by a new one-storeyed , flat-roofed , functional station at the edge of the city .
14 The station in Kowloon was demolished in the 1970s and replaced by a soulless concrete and glass structure on reclaimed land at Hung Hom , opened in 1973 .
15 In the Police and Criminal Evidence Act , the old idea of voluntariness , with its preoccupation with the mental state of the suspect , was dropped and replaced by a broader rule .
16 The SDA itself is now to be dismantled and replaced by a series of local agencies .
17 Isfield itself seems to have shifted from its old site , up near the parish church , to a new site almost a quarter of a mile south-eastwards ; the moated manor near the church was abandoned and replaced by a new separate dwelling .
18 The two side lamps on the dash were removed and replaced by a single side/tail lamp holder , with provision for a route number stencil , fixed to the underside of the stair landing .
19 Although the rates on GIBs do tend to lag behind general market rates , fast action is often necessary to take advantage of opportunities — when interest rates fall , issues can be withdrawn without any notice , and replaced by a new issue offering a much lower return .
20 In a new burst of corporate energy , the choir was demolished in Anselm 's day , and replaced by a structure in proportions and plan unlike any other in England at the time .
21 In 1653 , church weddings were outlawed , and replaced by a short , secular marriage service conducted by a justice of the peace .
22 The 12ft ( 3.7m ) wide apron below the racing line was cut away and replaced by a rumble strip and a warm-up lane divided by a grass barrier .
23 The fact that Nikon overreached himself was clearly exposed when Tsar Alexis forced him to withdraw from public affairs and subsequently had him deposed and replaced by a more pliant successor .
24 Typically these procedures will cause the current unit of work to be returned to the main archive and replaced by a fresh unit of work .
25 The leisurely drive takes you first to Aalsmeer , the centre of the flower producers where you will visit the flower auction ( closed Saturday and Sunday and replaced by a visit to the Panorama Mesdag Museum ) .
26 We have to think ourselves back into a social system and culture very different from our own if we are to respond , in the way P. C. Wren required , to the improbable events and exalted sentiments of the three Geste brothers who , to serve their adored aunt and their fraternal obligations , vanished into the Foreign Legion , taking upon themselves the imputation of having stolen the blue diamond which she had long ago sold and replaced by a fake for the sake of her extravagant husband .
27 The former arrangements by which district councils over a certain size could receive or claim delegated powers from counties in respect of certain services were repealed and replaced by a ‘ provision under which local authorities can agree between themselves for one to carry out functions on behalf of another ’ ( Department of the Environment/Welsh Office 1974:2 ) .
28 The 1896 Convention was revised and replaced by a Convention on Civil Procedure of 17 July 1905 .
29 In 1868 the Fenny Compton tunnel , on the same canal , was removed and replaced by a cutting .
30 Another small farm was shown me as the place where the mother of a young baby had forgotten to place the poker over its cradle : as a consequence the child , unprotected by iron , had been stolen by the fairies and replaced by a ‘ changeling ’ .
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