Example sentences of "[conj] wonder if she " in BNC.

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1 She hates being photographed and wonders if she should ever have chosen a career in television .
2 Liz Headleand suspects that Alix Bowen is in love with Nicholas Manning , and wonders if she knows it .
3 Brian Bowen suspects that Alix Bowen is in love with Nicholas Manning , and wonders if she knows it .
4 Vi was remembering that today was her birthday and there was the ten-shilling note in her money belt and wondering if she should ask them if they would like to see the film in Craigiebur .
5 It was not so warm today , so Edith had stopped eyeing the bathing machines wistfully and wondering if she dared .
6 ‘ It seems a good idea , ’ said Penny Warlock , looking up to Glenda and wondering if she herself would be as impressive a figure after ten or fifteen years in the teaching profession .
7 Feeling a little dizzy at being caught in the whirlwind of Faye 's enthusiasm , and wondering if she was just imagining a slightly brittle , overwrought quality to it this morning , Belinda listened to several more of Faye 's ideas for ‘ Getting Tom to notice you as a woman ’ .
8 He supposed she was ashamed of her outburst of bad temper and lingered , looking at the roses and wondering if she would come back .
9 Hunting through her case for some lightweight shoes , and wondering if she could get away without having to wear any stockings , she gritted her teeth as she heard her name being called from the other room .
10 Admire the Liberty shawl for Aunt Elspeth , and wonder if she might be delighted enough to leave it to me in her will .
11 Dot wished she knew what it felt like to be brave , and wondered if she 'd ever get the chance to find out .
12 Now he stared from the partly eaten jam sandwich to the homely face of his grandmother and wondered if she would dare to murder him in his own home with Buddie sitting right there at the same table .
13 Maggie had developed a raging thirst and wondered if she could get a drink at the Commemorative Hall .
14 Nutty considered , and wondered if she was n't perhaps setting her targets too high .
15 As they carried Robbie into the yard she glanced towards the staircase door and wondered if she should ask them to wait a moment until she went and got a coat and hat .
16 I looked at Jammie and wondered if she , like me , could hear Dad snoring .
17 And now Mrs Stych stood rather dazedly inside the front door and wondered if she was in the right house .
18 He thought of his Katya and wondered if she was still alive , or whether Grandfather Denknetzeyan had now finally been reunited with her again .
19 Cruel , a little , but not savage : Alix could see Hannah smiling gamely , taking it in good part , and wondered if she was also taking in the rather subtle sub-text of allusions to drugs other than nicotine .
20 He looked at her knitting , which continued , approaching the heel of the sock in progress , and wondered if she was ever going to glance at his card on the counter .
21 Summer in the country , was the toast echoing in Diane 's ears as she went back inside ; and she shuddered , and wondered if she could think up something really cutting to say the first time one of them tried to treat her like a servant .
22 She felt tired and wondered if she might manage a couple of hours ' sleep before the train reached London .
23 But at least he is here , she thought , and wondered if she would really have tried to get into the Workshops by herself if she had had to .
24 ‘ Poor thing , ’ thought Trixie , and wondered if she might be pregnant .
25 Irene Pitt had her lunch with Christopher , saw that he was deeply preoccupied with his election chances , not thinking about her at all , and wondered if she was going to enjoy being married to a politician .
26 ‘ I do n't — ’ She found herself faltering , wishing , hoping , and wondered if she was being stupid .
27 Hugh 's mother , climbing out of her taxi with a zip bag full of baby clothes , heard the laughter and wondered if she should contact Hugh in wherever it was and suggest that he came home .
28 Turning away hurriedly , she caught sight of the bed , and wondered if she would sleep there alone tonight , or if the choice was even hers to make .
29 She swallowed and wondered if she should pull her hand away , but as Jake continued to hold it against his cheek , watching her with eyes that suddenly threatened to swallow her , she was aware that all at once her hand had become paralysed .
30 She stared at the receding shoreline and wondered if she should make a jump for it .
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