Example sentences of "[conj] arrive at [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Ferguson would enjoy nothing more than to arrive at Liverpool on April 26 as champions .
2 The last down train leaves Euston at 18.15 and arrives at Aberystwyth at 23.13 ( with one change ) .
3 At breakfast time we went through a forest of olive trees and arrived at Puyloubier .
4 He and his wife were returning from a short break in Venice ( ’ no problems with public transport or with the plane ’ ) and arrived at King 's Cross station .
5 We walked between two ancient plane trees which generations of hard pruning had reduced to bunches of arthritic grey knuckles , and arrived at Bouilland 's 200-year-old launderette .
6 She threw all of them away except one , then realised how silly and significant it would be to arrive on his doorstep with one daffodil ; she tucked it into the contents of an overflowing litter bin and arrived at Alan 's empty-handed .
7 In an attempt to further his rugby career , McKenzie loaded up his car and headed north to Sydney and arrived at Randwick .
8 Returning to Swanage on 7 July 1847 , John Mowlem wrote in his diary : ‘ Left London at half past twelve midday , and arrived at Wareham at 5 p.m. by Express train …
9 He left Gravesend on 22 January 1865 aboard the ‘ Greyhound ’ and arrived at Lyttelton on 7 May , fifteen weeks later .
10 When the invading Israelite tribes crossed the Jordan and arrived at Jericho , they probably did see no-one there , for the simple reason that Jericho was a deserted ruin .
11 First 75069 hauled the ‘ local ’ , leaving Machynlleth at 1150 and arriving at Barmouth at 1305 .
12 His passport carries the word ‘ courtier ’ in the space set aside for occupation — a joke he came to regret when arriving at Darwin airport to be faced by a massive , bronzed Australian immigration official who looked down and told him ‘ that 's not the way you spell courier , mate . ’
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