Example sentences of "[conj] face with a " in BNC.

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1 But I fancy that if I found myself on the field of Waterloo with a foot missing , or in a dentist 's chair without benefit of anaesthetic — a future form of laudanum — or faced with a work-situation in which my family were slowly being starved and degraded , then my conclusions might reasonably be the same . )
2 At last I stopped retching and washed my hands and face with a cloth .
3 Although Kuwait , without oil revenues and faced with a tremendous rebuilding task , is said to be short of ready cash , the ambassador made it clear that his country is keen on buying the RTC 's interest in both the Phoenician and Crescent hotels ( another Keating project ) .
4 A tragic process began to unfold and faced with a entrancement they could not understand , officials made a series of misjudgments that would end in an even greater loss of life .
5 I recommend it particularly for Sunday lunch with visitors from abroad whose eagerness to try a proper British pudding might grow a little faint if faced with a hefty suet pudding or steamed sponge .
6 Wilson 's stature , it becomes increasingly clear , is dependent on the sheer variety of his talents , for he can do , effortlessly , what most novelists now fashionable could not begin to effect if faced with a firing squad — create Sylvia Calvert , for a start ; pin down a very minor , but necessary , character in a couple of sentences ; employ fictive skills to celebrate human qualities that are not marked by intellect .
7 It was a dish which was one of her standbys if faced with a guest .
8 Alternatively , if faced with a determined ‘ It 's not on …
9 In these cases an internal control is required so if faced with a negative result , one can still be sure that the PCR conditions were perfect .
10 If faced with a bank in front of you , whether uphill or downhill , do n't assume that you have to loft the ball over it .
11 Bolinger gives the following set of examples , which do genuinely appear to show qualification of the sense alone , that is , of the property which identifies the entity , rather than of the entity itself : ( 1 ) total stranger lawful heir distant cousin mere kid To these , we might add the cases in ( 2 ) ; notice that the last example would be self-contradictory if the adjective were interpreted as an ordinary attributive : ( 2 ) Brent is a strong Republican the document was a complete blank ( If faced with a claim that we can explain the peculiarity of these adjectives by simply stating that they are adverbial impostors , we may respond that , even supposing that , deep down , there may be something adverbial about them , nonetheless speakers have chosen to use an adjective rather than an adverb , and this adjectival use needs to be described and if possible explained .
12 The inquirer may have an urgent need seeking a solution and may turn to the competition if faced with a delay .
13 Liverpool enjoyed almost total domination but faced with a team who pulled all 11 players back behind the ball they had to wait until the 38th minute before adding their second .
14 When faced with a request for a garden seat , similar to the one on a recent DIY front cover , I searched high and low for one which I could buy , rather than make myself .
15 Epoch says you should withdraw your attention when faced with a tiresome child .
16 Even the most competent high-flier , it seems , feels totally inadequate when faced with a child who simply will not get down to work .
17 Maybe techniques of evaluation ( important though they are ) need not be sharp when faced with a strong weight of empirical and impressionist evidence of the failure of conservation efforts to halt the deteriorating environmental situation in substantial areas of the world .
18 I can remember , before taking a Latin exam in school , sitting up half the night and learning the English ‘ crib ’ of Caesar 's Gallic Wars by heart and hoping that , when faced with a piece to translate , I would know enough Latin to work out where to start and where to finish .
19 Thus when faced with a specification such as the following for so-called ‘ executive information systems ’ , one wonders exactly how the system is expected to filter and compress critical data received from the external environment ! :
20 It was all very well reading about the clouds in books and studying the illustrations , but when faced with a sky full of different shapes and colours , we were frequently baffled .
21 THOSE who are struck all of a heap when faced with a bill from British Telecom for some trifling work carried out in their homes may like to know that there is a Telecom instruction sheet about charges .
22 This scientific attitude did not by any means always lead to a denial of the reality of God ; but it did not encourage the anticipation that God would actually intervene in the ordinary course of events ; nor , when faced with a strange or unexpected occurrence , would it immediately turn to God as the only possible explanation .
23 Also , when faced with a large stretch of foreground , the addition of a different harmonious colour sometimes stimulates the eye and can be the answer .
24 It is at least arguable : the employers did after all give in when faced with a strike , and effectively surrendered on this very question for the future , since they would have to pay the male rate to all the new ( male ) monotypists .
25 Even animals that normally live relatively lonely lives may find it safer to congregate when faced with a particular danger .
26 Knowing that these young men faced compulsory national service in the near future , he passed round A. A. Milne 's Peace with Honour to give them arguments when faced with a tribunal .
27 Their stance is typified by one young officer 's remark , when faced with a recalcitrant discharger , that ‘ all cases should be looked at as potential prosecutions ’ .
28 It may well be the case that with regard to many people unlawfully at large this should be regarded as ‘ hot pursuit , ’ but the approach of the Court when faced with a patient absconder allows a choice of methods to be adopted .
29 It would suggest that when faced with a choice between a case which rests on constitutional theories about limited government derived from a ‘ higher law ’ which controlled what government could legitimately do , and a case which rested on actual practices of government bolstered by actual law , the jury preferred the theory of what the constitution ought to be to the practice of what it is .
30 When faced with a choice of categories in the RL , say active and passive , the literal approach to translation leads the translator to choose the form which corresponds to that used in the original , whereas the use of that category in the RL may be quite different from its use in the original .
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