Example sentences of "[conj] anyone [adv] who " in BNC.

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1 Or anyone else who had disappeared mysteriously .
2 Through the glass of his tank , my Oscar tries to attack my Alsatian , my Jack Russell , two kittens and anything or anyone else who happens to pass .
3 Do drop me a line , Mrs Surridge , or anyone else who 's interested .
4 Do n't start the proceedings until you are sure that the speakers themselves are present as well as the hosts or anyone else who will be thanked or mentioned in the speeches .
5 I 've no intention of sharing my private life with you or anyone else who works with IMP . ’
6 It is essential , therefore , when employing freelance staff , or anyone else who is not employed on a permanent contract of employment , to make contractual provision for determining ownership of copyright .
7 Could the powers that be , or anyone else who knows , possibly get him on ?
8 The most sensible thing would be to sell the house , to this Matthew Preston or anyone else who wants it . "
9 It has been Bill Heseltine more than anyone else who brought the royal family into the age of the photo-opportunity .
10 Charlie Allen of the CIA did not report it either , for a long time ; but he heard about it more than anyone else who was supposed not to know .
11 And the beauty of it is that she embodies this core value of intimacy in her music better than anyone else who 's arrived on the scene in years .
12 Those two cheques accounted for Todd finishing 265th on the money list , lower than anyone else who played a full schedule .
13 ‘ No more than anyone else who knows you both .
14 It was , however , a month or two before they gave up sending me colourful brochures with inducements to have a rose bush planted in his name or an attractively calligraphed entry in their ‘ Book of Remembrance ’ , to be opened every year on the date of his death to commemorate his passing etc , etc , none of which was cheap and I 'm sure that neither I nor anyone else who knew him will need that kind of reminder .
15 He expects Germans , Japanese and anyone else who has not sent forces to contribute to a ‘ war chest ’ .
16 So did old Mike , and anyone else who happened to be in the shop .
17 Before any plank was put into place , MacAlpine and Tom and anyone else who happened to be about held a consultation over it .
18 how much help and support is available from family , friends and anyone else who is involved
19 All those people and organisations who were involved in the accident , such as the operators and the manufacturers of the aircraft , the pilots and other crew members , Air Traffic Control , the Civil Aviation Authority , the passengers and anyone else who in the opinion of the commissioner has a proper interest in the accident , are entitled to be represented ; usually by counsel briefed by solicitors , but laymen are not excluded .
20 These impressions he/she could perhaps spell out , verbalizing them for the benefit of the student and anyone else who has a legitimate interest in knowing how the student is seen by people close to him/her .
21 " Well , you 'd better get on , then , " he said , " and anyone else who wants to Personally , I 'm , going to wait until Fiver and Pipkin are fit to tackle it .
22 Finally , I have enclosed membership forms for CPRW and would be delighted to enrol you and anyone else who wants to support us .
23 Peter Stalker conducts a therapy group for Fred and anyone else who 's tried and failed to understand ABriefHistoryofTime .
24 The Government of the Irish Republic and anyone else who wishes to make their views known to us before we make a judgment are , of course , entirely free to do so .
25 I am here to listen to all my colleagues and to all hon. Members and anyone else who wishes to make representations to me .
26 He dragged me away for I could have killed Scawsby on the spot and anyone else who tried to interfere .
27 When I was young , the farm was created by local action groups for school kids and anyone else who did n't know what a sheep felt like .
28 Trout-fishing on the Kennet is now more or less back to normal , but anglers say that other rivers are still affected and anyone else who spoils their fun in future can expect to pay for it .
29 Paul O'Dell , of London-based Bamboo Films , would like to hear from Mr Downey and anyone else who can remember the incident including ex-Everton players !
30 You see , cos they do n't say that , and anyone else who does n't , who does less than thirty five thousand pounds worth of , if Mrs down the street said , I could n't do forty pound , then they do n't have to pay that .
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