Example sentences of "[conj] hope he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd already lost any respect or hope he 'd once had for Changez .
2 We wish all the best and hope he feels free to op in and check up on us whenever he 's near the mill .
3 Actually I have been something of a clothesaholic recently , do n't tell Derek , but I have to put that fitted wardrobe under lock and key when he 's back and hope he does n't keek in through the louvres because I would n't want him to think I was extravagant .
4 Point taken , and I really feel sorry for Rocky at the moment , and hope he does n't leave , but I think with a player like Strachan at the club , who I believe is one of the best players in the Premier League at the moment , I think it would be foolish to leave him out .
5 He has made a great number of friends here who wish him the best of luck , and hope he plans to make frequent visits back here .
6 ‘ Cross your fingers and hope he has another order for me . ’
7 Some people tell us to keep Moby on a tight lead and only walk him in one or two places ; others tell us not to let him off the lead as his bones are n't yet strong enough to take the strain ; some tell us to relax and hope he grows out of it .
8 She felt sad and hoped he felt the same .
9 Hank silently drank down his beer , and hoped he had made the right move in telling his father .
10 She knew she had gone scarlet and hoped he had n't noticed .
11 McAllister , ’ and she almost tripped over the last bit , but hoped he had not noticed .
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