Example sentences of "[conj] claim [that] a " in BNC.

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1 Is the Home Office alleging or claiming that an emergency has arisen since the Conservative party conference , that the Bill must be completed in one day and that it is inconceivable that it could be improved in Committee ?
2 Cardinal Ottaviani seized the first possible opportunity to reply to Frings 's attack , to reassert the authority of the Theological Commission as he understood it , and to claim that an attack on the Holy Office was an attack on the pope himself as its prefect .
3 Like Camdessus , Conable urged creditor nations to write off debt to the poorest nations [ see also p. 37731 for LDC conference in Paris ] and claimed that a 10 per cent cut in military spending by members of NATO would free enough resources to double development assistance .
4 Later , the broker submitted better particulars and claimed that an alternative computer system capable of carrying out the work would cost in excess of £1,100,000 .
5 Thus , it was not surprising to find one headteacher expressing some annoyance that the schools were selected by procedures which were not open to public scrutiny and claiming that a competition was only fair if all potential entrants knew in advance that the " race " was to take place and the rules under which it would be run .
6 The move follows the publication of the Queen 's Christmas message 48 hours before it was due to be broadcast to the nation and claims that a BBC employee leaked the speech to a newspaper .
7 The bizarre confrontation yesterday saw punches thrown and claims that a shotgun was produced before police arrived to calm things down .
8 These include a lack of public toilets , car parking problems and claims that a narrow pavement from the Castle car park is a danger , particularly to the elderly .
9 The CPSU Central Committee , reviewing these developments in the early 1970s , went so far as to claim that a ‘ new historical collectivity of people — the Soviet people ’ had come into existence in the USSR , based upon the ‘ common ownership of the means of production , unity of economic , socio-political and cultural life , Marxist-Leninist ideology , and the interests and communist ideals of the working class ’ .
10 The Irish Times quoted Craig as claiming that a reason for banning the march had been that it posed a threat to the United States military base in Derry :
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