Example sentences of "[conj] around [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Anaglypta range includes borders in both vinyl and ‘ Original ’ types , which can be used under a cornice or picture rail , as a dado to divide two different papers , above a skirting and around a doorframe to ‘ frame ’ a wall , or around a window .
2 TEXT TO PATH : Run text along a path or around a shape .
3 Most of Gould 's collecting in Van Diemen 's Land , however , was done within 80 miles of Hobart , on or around the Derwent River and the fertile Macquairie Plains , where kingfishers , water crakes and crow-shrikes , golden plovers and white-fronted herons , bitterns and black-backed porphyrios were to be found in glorious profusion .
4 The building is in a dilapidated state and the council are very concerned about the danger to children playing in or around the building .
5 If he 'd done something to or around the horses , I thought , then he had to have travelled with us on the train .
6 The crags concerned are as follows : , and any other crags in or around the Eglwyseg valley .
7 A Whether they come in through the letterbox , under the door or around the windows , draughts all add up to a large heating bill .
8 It could be in orbit either around the sun or around the center of the galaxy .
9 They reported , quite correctly , that over a dozen people had witnessed him in or around the vicinity of Cross Street at the appropriate time .
10 Or cut a stencil and re-spray the doors adding a simple motif — which can be repeated around the splashback , or around the top of a plain painted room .
11 From the late-18th century onwards , devices containing hot water were placed under or around the sauce-boat to keep the sauce hot .
12 The beginning of that evolution is usually dated to the constitution which Solon produced for the city in or around the year 594 BC.Solon 's intervention was itself the outcome of a period of conflict between " the masse and " the notable , according to the account given by Aristotle in The Athenian Constitution .
13 Two divisions of Republican Guard were also based in or around the capital to serve as Saddam Hussein 's personal bodyguard .
14 I planned to join her when I was sure he was not in or around the hotel .
15 There is nothing penal about Augusta 's design — there is no thick rough off the edge of the fairways or around the fringes of the greens , the bunkering is minimal , the fairways generous , and although there is a fair sprinkling of water hazards , it is certainly no more than the players come across practically every week on the Tour .
16 Various events such as Powerboat Races , Circuit of Ireland Rally , Carnivals , Mountain Bike Races and Fun Runs are held in or around the lake and farmlands and there are ample parking facilities .
17 You can usually route hot and cold supply pipes to wherever you want by running them underneath the floorboards , the bath or around the perimeter of the room , hiding them with a low box plinth , which could also be an ideal place to store bathroom bottles .
18 Licking arse is safe unless there is any blood in or around the arse .
19 Either up the mountains or around the lakes , the views are superb .
20 However , if you want to replace one large electricity power station , you would require approximately one thousand windmills , each the size of the largest electricity pylons at the moment , and the best situations for the location of these is where the wind is blowing strongest — that is on hill tops or around the coastline , and there would be obvious social objections to putting large pylons , or windmills , on all the best scenic locations in the country .
21 He went to the top of the steps and looked around , he could n't see anyone or anything untoward ; he looked out of the window and he thought he saw a figure on or around the track .
22 The licensed dealer showed itself in its true colours , as one of the roughest , toughest sales teams in or around the City .
23 ( Just in passing we might reflect on the likely reaction in Curzon Street or around the Euston underpass if our own citizens took it into their heads to peer behind MI5 's muslin curtains . )
24 Several booksellers commented that their sales of Sue Townsend 's The Queen and I ( Methuen ) had roared ahead at the full price , despite the fact that the book was available at a discount at Dillons down the road or around the corner .
25 On a few of the more established family units there had been development into quite considerable contracting businesses which enabled the family to continue to live on or around the farm .
26 Nothing grew in or around the stonework and , as she wandered around , she was aware also of the silence .
27 Other symptoms include chest pain ( commonly left-sided , dull or aching , and unrelated to the degree of physical exertion ; genuine heart pains are usually central , cramp-like , and brought on by exercise ) , headaches ( particularly ‘ tension headache ’ — a band-like pain around the head and back of the neck which begins a few seconds after waking and lasts all day , often accompanied by feelings of depression or despair ) , dizziness or light-headedness ( which comes on when you are sitting still and never heralds a full-blown faint ) , tingling in the fingers or around the mouth ( signifying panic-induced overbreathing ) , and a heightened awareness of bodily processes ( such as blood rushing through your ears , a rumbling tummy , or the thumping of your heart inside your chest ) .
28 Unusual smells , stains or marks on the body or clothes , or around the house
29 Cut out each letter of the phrase and hide them in or around the house and in other places , as you would for a scavenger hunt .
30 When grown in normal aquarium gravel , the plant should be nourished by placing clay granules or balls of sun-dried clay , at the base or around the roots .
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