Example sentences of "[conj] let [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 But instead of setting about matters in a straightforward way and asking Marko if he would sell him the ram , or let him have it as a gift-which Marko might well have done , for he was a good-natured young man-the king asked the advice of his prime minister Milosu , who was Marko 's uncle .
2 You 'd think he would either apply for another one or , or let you have his .
3 She smiled and let him have his way .
4 I found one of the drummers and let him have a tape and he loved it .
5 It would n't have occurred to you to leave Adam in peace and let him have a well-deserved weekend off , would it ?
6 ‘ Oh , you 'd better telephone Sam at his office and let him have my suggestions . ’
7 She must judge , too ; he thought she would trust him and let him have his way .
8 He said : ‘ Clay County wrenched the muscles in his quarters when dropping his hind legs in the water jump at Nottingham , so we decided to give the Cheltenham Festival a miss and let him have a long break .
9 and let him have it .
10 In the end I had to get it down and let him have a sniff before he .
11 Like , when they come in here I 'll bring them down to the canteen and let them have Coke and sweets .
12 Some parents , in their understandable desire to make their children happy , give in to them and let them have everything they ask for .
13 I find it impossible to comprehend the scale of this arena , and that afternoon provided a great opportunity to relax in the mountains and let them have their effect on us .
14 They 'll be like a dog with a rag , tugging away at it , with growls and grunts till you loosen your hold and let them have their rightful trophy .
15 When it came to fisticuffs Sean Connery was happy to mix it with the best of them — ‘ He believed stuntmen were there to take the knocks and let them have it in the fight scenes , ’ said one .
16 It 's as if everyone else had given up and the Government then said , ‘ Oh , give the workers some money and let them have a go . ’
17 As John Allen , chaplain to the Bishop of Chester , put it in an Assize Sermon preached at Chester in April 1682 : " Let us be as zealous and couragious and industrious too , to support , and preserve the Government both in Church and State , as they [ the Whigs and Nonconformists ] are stubbornly bent , and furiously acted to demolish and destroy it : While we have good Laws , for God 's sake , let us live and act according to them ; and let them have their course upon All those , that do violate , affront , and defie them " .
18 ‘ Could we ? ’ both Leith and Sebastian asked together , the idea of renting accommodation swiftly tossed aside , as it quickly sank in that their father , trustee to the considerable amount of money left to them by his father , seemed prepared to use his discretionary right and let them have it now .
19 Well you 'd better see Mark first and and let them have them back .
20 If we write g x for the proportional growth rate of variable x , and let we have ( using ( 8–4' ) ) and if we let denote output per capita , ( this needs to be modified where there is technical progress — see below ) .
21 ‘ I was wondering , ’ said Evelyn , ‘ if you 'd like to swap with me and let me have a chance to go under the machines . ’
22 Eventually , he arrived at her side and , exasperated , flung his clubs down the bank and exclaimed crossly : ‘ Here , lady , for God 's sake , let's do a swap ; you have these damned clubs and let me have your fishing rod .
23 I want you to draw up the will exactly as I 've said , and let me have it as soon as possible . ’
24 Now , keep signing Rob 's cheques and let me have Susan Hart 's phone number . ’
25 PAMELA : [ unwillingly ] I 'll get undressed if you lock the door and let me have the keys in my own hand .
26 Let his man make his way back there , and let me have the third horse and bring you the quickest way to Ullesthorpe .
27 Can you get photographs of the maker 's mark and batch mark and let me have them here ? "
28 ‘ Dennis , lovie , can you type this out now and let me have a copy ?
29 ‘ He went on to try Trevor Cherry then gave a cap to John Gidman before he somehow remembered me and let me have a second chance .
30 I would encourage you to read it and let me have your views as soon as possible .
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