Example sentences of "[conj] happen to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act 1875 restated the criminal offence of ‘ watching or besetting ’ but excluded from that activity ‘ attending at or near the house or place where a person resides , or works , or carries on business , or happens to be … in order merely to obtain or communicate information ’ .
2 People within enterprises who are designated to engage in environmental scanning ( and similar ) activities do not of course restrict themselves to that part of the total external information resource that happens to be publicly available at a specific point in time .
3 Any animal species that happens to be superficially dull will be ignored , perhaps even maltreated .
4 It will move into any refuge that happens to be conveniently available .
5 ( I am reminded of a passage in a book by Doris Lessing , where she says : ‘ I want this court to condemn Volyen utterly , root and branch , for failing to instruct its young in the rules that its own psychologists and anthropologists have extracted from research and study : for failing to arm its youth with information that would enable it — the youth — to resist being swept away with any system of ideas that happens to be available ’ . )
6 Its digital nature is not an incidental fact that happens to be true of genetic information technology .
7 A succession of such shallow pools proliferates along the length of any stream that happens to be ‘ infected ’ by seeding crystals of this kind of clay .
8 I like the er , you know , the nice little grin on her face , and the way she 's cuddling the teddy , erm teddy that happens to be a rabbit , it leaves us
9 " I 'm interested in what some of these images ( that happen to be in the advertising sections of magazines ) IMAGINE .
10 It will be argued that a party should stand by its beliefs : it should not bend with the wind and adopt views that happen to be popular .
11 The offence is not designed to penalise the expressions of opinion that happen to be disagreeable , distasteful , or even offensive , annoying or distressing .
12 It is the ones that happen to be durable that exist as rocks .
13 And here we 've got a couple that happen to be olive trees , and I , I 'm not so sure that just the fact that they 're olive trees really is that important .
14 In other words , statistical testing should not be used as a substitute for theoretical ideas by simply dredging the data for any statistically significant relationships that happen to be present .
15 Materials that happen to be available in the school , including even seriously inadequate ones , can be brought into play and yield educationally valuable material if approached from a point of view of real understanding on the teacher 's part .
16 The random nature of turbulent motion gives a diffusive action ; two fluid particles that happen to be close together at some instant are likely to be much further apart at any later time .
17 Well the national account what you are saying is the national account if the work 's for is then responsible for all those accounts that happen to be from the national account manager .
18 ‘ But to go out on a limb and take any bunch of morons , just those that happened to be around when he met Plumpton , and propose that they should do this thing — that 's really sticking your neck out .
19 In 1875 Francis Seymour Haden , FRCS , advocated by means of three letters to The Times a disintegrating coffin ‘ … of some lighter permeable material , such as wicker or lattice-work , open at the top , and filled in with any fragrant herbaceous matters that happened to be most readily obtainable .
20 The answer is : those that happened to be at the top of Craig 's sub-parcel .
21 And then she read , in a copy of The Stage that happened to be turned in her direction , a paragraph about him which made it clear that the wife whom he was talking about in this present tense had died a year ago , and that he had had a row of flops in London .
22 Because at one of our talks er before the financial advisor spoken to a chap that happened to be sitting near him when I moved out of this desk and he got rather a ler lu large investment and yet m and and he was quite happy with his investment yet much to my astonishment he completed this application form for the investment advisor to advise him on his investment .
23 Erm I I only picked this up cos I went to the workshop on flexible training , and that happened to be there .
24 The trumpet , like the horn , was originally a ‘ natural ’ instrument which was only able to obtain the notes of the harmonic series from its fundamental note , whatever that happened to be .
25 The primitive mammals that happened to be around in the three areas when the dinosaurs more or less simultaneously vacated the great life trades , were all rather small and insignificant , probably nocturnal , previously overshadowed and overpowered by the dinosaurs .
26 In all three areas the mammals that happened to be around at the start fanned out in evolution , and produced a specialist for each trade which , in many cases , came to bear a remarkable resemblance to the corresponding specialist in the other two areas .
27 He did try to give parents the right to choose a school for their children and not just accept the one that happened to be closest ; this mattered , since property values soar where schools are good .
28 Actually Christine normal size twelve dress that happened to be a full dress .
29 Michael Feist Countryside special sites could be in open countryside away from Government policies concerning sustainability , I wonder how Professor Lock would see the situation emerging whereby a local authority has allocated a certain amount of land in its local plan for development for industrial or commercial purposes , it 's tried to erm identify a broad range of criteria but it also identified special sites erm which will only be released in exceptional circumstances , that happened to be an open countryside and had the advantages that it may be a little close to the A one or somewhere similar .
30 If you 're wearing the ear defenders when the supervisor comes round and happens to be on the token dishing out tour and you 're wearing them , you get your token , okay ?
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