Example sentences of "[conj] though it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And though it had struck her as a slightly odd remark for a man on the brink of marriage to make , she most probably would n't have thought any more about it if he had responded to the way she had light-heartedly picked up on it with his usual unassailable self-assurance .
2 The association of water conservation measures with improved administrative control was apparent from the earliest days of Masai administration , and though it became fashionable in later years to talk about ‘ anchoring ’ the Masai for development purposes , administrative convenience was always a powerful interest : ‘ the Masai have , in my view , two outstanding needs ’ , wrote the Provincial Commissioner of the Northern Province of Tanganyika in 1950 — ‘ water and discipline ’ .
3 The aim of achieving a genuine common market was a major commitment and though it relied on the voluntary co-operation of member states , complex legislative measures were soon underway to carry it out .
4 The Rottweiler was recognized as a police dog , and though it came fourth behind three other breeds , it was a start , a start to a new career and one the breed took to with relish .
5 They point out that the group has a banking facility limit of £190m , and though it does have £10m more of properties to be sold it does not take much to push the Lowndes to this limit .
6 It is an autobiographical poem and though it ranges far from Brigflatts in its subject matter , it is Northern in its very essence and its tongue is the tongue of the Dales .
7 That 's where the fuel tanks are located and though it seemed likely that the partial tearing away of the wing had also ruptured the fuel lines and spilled the fuel , there was no way of being sure and no one , again as far as I know , has ever come up against the problem of what happens when an oxyacetylene jet meets a fuel tank under water .
8 And though it seemed ridiculous to worry about a case like this , there was no doubt the thing had begun to prey on my mind .
9 He had found his kingdom , and though it filled him with Adamistic yearning , he was somehow powerless to enter and possess it , Why was this ?
10 The next race was at Long Beach in California , billed as the US Grand Prix West , and though it ran through some streets , its relationship to Monaco , much hyped in the local press , was pretty tenuous .
11 Mainstream elitism is now represented by writers such as Keller and Aron , as we discussed earlier ; this refers mainly to the interactions and functions of ruling and strategic elites , and though it differs in emphasis from earlier writings , these writers appear to have normative assumptions not radically removed from those of the classical elite theorists .
12 He was also partly , though not wholly , responsible for the ‘ non-intervention ’ policy which Britain and France pursued with regard to the Spanish Civil War , even though it was being blatantly ignored by Germany , Italy and Russia , and though it denied a legitimate Republican government the right of access to the world market for arms with which to defend itself .
13 The house is built on an ‘ L ’ shape , and though it evolved gradually over the fifteenth , sixteenth and seventeenth centuries , the whole gives a uniquely harmonious appearance , which must stem from the use all those years ago of essentially local materials which can not but blend .
14 The Canadian government intervened with measures to help the fishermen and other measures to help the fish ; and though it acted with the best of intentions , it had the worst of results .
15 Nagel 's profound point is that even where the agent is at the mercy of fate , and though it seems irrational upon reflection , our ordinary moral attitudes would be unrecognizable without attributing to the agent responsibility and culpability in a wide range of cases of moral luck .
16 it was initially the brainchild of Patricia Rawlings MEP , spokesperson on the European parliament 's Cultural Committee , and though it includes both established figures from the UK and Europe , focuses on the emerging talents of young British artists showing the innumerable ways of interpreting old ideas .
17 Such a project was tried in Wales and though it did identify cases , logistical difficulties in community health care made the rate of detection unacceptably low .
18 In 1718 a system of intendants on the French model was established ; and though it did not survive for long it was revived in 1749 with marked success .
19 Walthwaite is the best example left and though it has been built in , the woodwork is still there .
20 Iran has consistently produced more than its quota , securing exports by discounting below the OPEC release price and though it has benefited in terms of revenues in the short term , has certainly been partly instrumental in weakening the cartel .
21 The procedure saves costs and time and though it has been criticised , no better procedure has been proposed .
22 It looks very like a small gorilla and though it appears to be tailless , like an ape , it is in fact a monkey , closely related to the macaques .
23 She was surprised to find it rising for the third time , but though it hardened she knew it would take an age to bring it to orgasm .
24 But though it served as a symbol , it symbolised something real ; and it marks , aptly , a revival of realism in British fiction .
25 That is what will keep us head and shoulders above any of our competitors even if they do wave a BS5750 certificate around as though it guarantees them a divine right to business success .
26 From the flats he passed , the sound of lives : Christmas pops on the radio , argument , a baby laughing , which became tears , as though it sensed that there was danger near .
27 When Molly joined him he would ask hopefully if she were feeling tired or , even perhaps more hopefully , as though it relieved him of all responsibility , if she had the curse .
28 He had seemed to sniff at the opened envelope as though it carried some scent , but the letter inside only peeped from the teat and was not taken out .
29 She looked down at it as though it belonged to somebody else , then drew it slowly out .
30 Ever since 1099 , when the first crusaders captured the Holy City and massacred the people who lived there , Jews and Muslims alike , the Christians had always treated Jerusalem as though it belonged to them alone .
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