Example sentences of "[conj] might [be] said " in BNC.

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1 First , context suggests the sort of thing that might be said ( the crash was on a border , so the question of which side of the border something will happen on is appropriate ) .
2 As far as the radically mentalist view is concerned , there is clearly very little that might be said in its favour .
3 The constructivist starting-point could not be more different , and might be said to be ‘ biological ’ where the representational theory is ‘ engineering ’ — or ‘ machinological ’ .
4 The Church was built in 1863 by William Hall and might be said to represent the ultimate in Victorian Non-Conformist ‘ Chapel ’ building .
5 Thus ( 15a ) presupposes that the person referred to by I has been waiting for news about someone whom he thought to be in danger , whereas ( 15b ) does not , and might be said rather by someone who is comparing himself with other people who do not know this fact .
6 In the sphere of aesthetics , Lessing , Herder , and , a generation later , Friedrich Schlegel not only base their diverse theories on material or formulations put into currency by Winckelmann , but might be said to owe to him , as Schlegel put it , " the very idea of a history of art " , conceived as the development of a series of individual works towards a perfect beauty .
7 Much in the Bible exists to expose man 's tendency to make religion suit his own pleasure , or ( as might be said ) match what he finds " helpful " .
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