Example sentences of "[conj] could be applied " in BNC.

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1 There is no sense of how the various points discussed earlier in the book should or could be applied , for we are simply presented with certain aspects of the play 's style and development .
2 Because the application of these new designs in new residential areas has been quiet and uncontroversial , the panoply of safety measures that could be applied as on the Continent has not been publicly discussed .
3 She always loathed naturalistic and realist writing , and locates in Raymond Carver a ‘ grey … glum … discontented acquiescence ’ that could be applied to any number of British anaemic depressives .
4 For example , Prentky , in his book Creativity and Psychopathology , tabulates the probable psychiatric diagnoses that could be applied to certain eminent writers , artists , scientists and composers .
5 A difficulty is that Mercier 's brushwork , and an essential freedom in his style , does not lend itself to the same kind of minute scrutiny that could be applied to a painter like Zoffany .
6 The route to quantification , he urged , could be secured through the notion of the variable ; a format that could be applied not simply to properties which were self-evidently quantitative , such as money , but also to qualitative materials .
7 And Skillbase markets their skills to other organisations as well , calling it ‘ executive leasing ’ ( or for highest positions ‘ interim management ’ — perhaps a term that could be applied to Sir Len Peach 's stint at the NHS ) .
8 That the similar material produced under Æthelred may reflect badly , rather than well , upon his administration is a conclusion that could be applied to Cnut too .
9 This is simply using your control of the machine and could be applied to any video material .
10 It would also appear that the rule applies to realty and could be applied to the builder of a house and possibly a local authority building inspector .
11 There are so many suffixes that it will only be possible here to examine a small proportion of them ; we will concentrate on those which are common and productive ( that is , are applied to a considerable number of stems and could be applied to more to make new English words ) .
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