Example sentences of "[conj] there was nobody " in BNC.

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1 It had already dawned on the girl that , from this moment on , she was on her own , and that there was nobody to stand between her and whatever might be devised for her in the future .
2 The faint gay menace of music , issuing from juke boxes and radios , surrounded her , and it seemed that there was nobody , out of all those hundreds before her gaze , who was not there in the search of amusement — an amusement shallow , elusive , shapeless , all-embracing .
3 But the thing I hated most was that there was nobody there .
4 So after a quick glance behind him to check that there was nobody coming in on his blind side from the corridor , he crossed to his locker and pointed to the bulge in its door .
5 So that there was nobody skipped .
6 The ostrich dug his head in and believed that there was nobody out there who could notice — and if they did , what did it matter ?
7 PC Fraser said Sutherland had added that there was nobody inside .
8 But that little plan was soon put a stop to , for mother would not let me go by myself , and there was nobody to go with me .
9 And there was nobody to win over with his now not so pretty face .
10 She got lost in the labyrinth of yards and passageways that separated the numerous buildings , many of them apparently disused or derelict , that covered the factory site , and there was nobody around to direct her .
11 ‘ Nathan ? ’ she called , and he called back , ‘ Yes ? ’ but there was no second call , and he turned round , and there was nobody there , not a sound , and he felt strange then , he felt as if he 'd been visited .
12 ‘ It droned on a bit — and there was nobody there to answer any of the questions that were raised . ’
13 Today there 's not much of a problem , but at that time it was a little more troublesome and there was nobody doing anything about it .
14 That was why it had been such a shock when the neighbours came round to tell Lily the baby was screaming and there was nobody answering the door or any lights on in the house .
15 Bathsheba knew that he would always give his honest opinion , even if she asked him whether she should marry another man , and there was nobody else she could trust .
16 I could see our ship , but it was wrecked and there was nobody near it .
17 And there was nobody there .
18 But then it just all died out and died out and there was nobody then .
19 So I turned on my electric torch and there was nobody there .
20 His tea tasted excellent , and there was nobody to disturb him .
21 I mean they were there at lunchtime when I came home and there was nobody with them so I assumed they 'd knocked off for lunch .
22 He started chatting and there was nobody else on the bus and I said to him what are they ?
23 Well anybody knows she actually int cos there was nobody in there to , to see what she were doing with it .
24 If there was nobody it did n't matter , and if there was somebody , careful creeping was n't going to make a ha'porth of difference .
25 ‘ What should I have done if there was nobody there ?
26 Maybe the maids would have left some of the rooms open , if there was nobody staying in them just now .
27 I do want a little break really and truly , but I , would do it if there was nobody else .
28 Patients were dying by the hundreds , but there was nobody to carry away the corpses .
29 He glanced around fearfully but there was nobody around .
30 But there was nobody left to love now , and that was a good thing .
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