Example sentences of "[conj] we [modal v] see " in BNC.

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1 Many of these weaknesses will emerge more clearly in later chapters , where we shall see how powerfully the pendulum has swung away from the position of Liberal Theology in recent generations , at least among the leaders and pioneers of theological thinking .
2 In the Bible we rarely possess two or more parallel documents where we can see how one writer used another as his source .
3 ‘ Let's find a good place , Tony , where we can see . ’
4 ‘ Money will only be invested in ideas where we can see a gain , ’ said Ken .
5 The poem is about the extinction of a season , of a day , of a fire and , overall , of a life which is apparent in the last couplet where we can see more clearly the relationship between the poet and his .
6 ‘ Let's keep the East River where we can see it . ’
7 Sir , we ought to have them nearby us , where we can see what they 're up to … where they ca n't betray us without destroying themselves as well .
8 We know all the damned silly things we 've done for a thousand years , and as long as we know that and always have it around where we can see it , some day we 'll sop making goddamn funeral pyres and jumping into the middle of them . ’
9 The shoes can now be taken off in either order , or we can see that the order of putting them on makes no difference , that is , RL = LR , or R and L commute .
10 ‘ There 's a section for Women 's Art and Industries , or we could see Royle 's Self-Pouring Teapot .
11 I , I think Chairman that as , as we come out of the recession an and th that the overall erm level er quantity of development taking place increases , then we are almost bound to see perhaps more affordable housing erm in absolute terms , although I do n't see any opportunity of there being a a major hiccup in proportional terms , so I , I , like you , I think I remain er pessimistic er regarding the , the , the overview , although we might see er a turning up of the er of the graph having been bumping along the bottom for a little time a little while .
12 Although we can see elements of a critical function ( especially in Leavis ) , the dominant approach of these writers is founded on a base of a certain set of social ideas which it is the duty of higher education to guard and transmit .
13 Hence most provenance studies are of ceramic and stone materials , where the composition and microstructure of the basic raw materials is relatively unaffected by the manufacturing process , although we will see that metals too can be provenanced in some circumstances .
14 It had certainly been built to last , and although we could see it had lost a lot of windows and the stonework was damaged , it was obviously going to be standing there a few more years yet .
15 However , each time we called she would n't answer the door although we could see the curtain move so we knew she was at home .
16 Although we could see the old arrow-slit windows , more sophisticated owners had added rounded oriels , jutting bays and ornate chimney stacks .
17 We were seeing a steady growth in fee income of around 15% in the Newport office , and when we made the decision to move , there was n't a single indicator that we might see a downturn .
18 Yet God still speaks by his Spirit to throw fresh light on his word so that we might see its relevance to the contemporary world , and he speaks to his servants to guide them through the perplexities of life .
19 Come that we might see you in the people of every race , and commit ourselves to the hope that we celebrate our life together in true community and justice .
20 But , I think if we have further discussions with churches and districts that we might see that we can break that a bit further for that reason when we come to er , come to the resolutions I would advise you er er propose a minor amendment with the second thing .
21 We 've got clients , for example , where we are waiting for the sale of land to get our monies in , so it 's reasonable to expect that we 'll see that within the next three years .
22 It 's a case of balancing the short-term costs to the long-term benefits that we 'll see to our soil in this country .
23 Well , if people if women do get the higher positions of power , do you think that we 'll see different kinds of decisions made and more factors taken into account that will affect women ?
24 Scientists have been penetrating areas beyond human senses , and they have developed more and more devices to augment our senses in order that we may see into the heart of matter or reach the ends of the universe .
25 Our spiritual eyes need to be opened , that we may see into the spiritual order , and become aware of the constant activities of God .
26 Nevertheless , we have made a lot of progress in recent years , and as I shall describe , there are some grounds for cautious optimism that we may see a complete theory within the lifetime of some of those reading these pages .
27 There is a distinction to be drawn between an evacuation of the kind that we may see tonight in Dubrovnik and an interdiction naval force designed to prevent , for example , the shelling of Dubrovnik by Yugoslav gun boats .
28 Come to us , God of love , that we may see you in the poor , the sick and the rejected .
29 So it , it is hard to say , erm and I would n't like to make a prediction except that I think the number of postgraduate students may have fallen more than the number of undergraduate students , and that we may see already even in this first year erm a substantial not altogether healthy change in the national makeup of overseas students .
30 However , there is no doubt that these will become commercial in due course so that we may see electric cars , especially for local running .
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