Example sentences of "[conj] that 's exactly " in BNC.

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1 Now it appears in a story published in Computer Retail News that that 's exactly what 's afoot in the personal computer camp — with Intel , Compaq , Microsoft Corp and IBM as players , and a game plan that tries to equal workstation performance with a PC-compatible .
2 Yes , there 's no doubt that that 's exactly what he thinks
3 Well I , I think that that 's exactly what the Committee was saying to the Minister there .
4 And that 's exactly what we can give her .
5 They promise an honest to goodness family holiday in the sun and that 's exactly what we got .
6 Well that 's all very nice , very nice indeed , but what I also want is a guaranteed non-stop sex machine and that 's exactly what I got with Jack .
7 And that 's exactly what 's happening today .
8 And that 's exactly what he did .
9 ‘ It 's when you can go , ‘ That guy knows exactly what he is and that 's exactly what he 's going for , ’ and everybody just loves the shit out of it because of that .
10 ‘ When the first bell went and I saw the way Lennox was going after him I told the guys watching with me that Ruddock had better watch for that left of Lewis 's or he 'd be counter-punched with the right and get himself knocked out — and that 's exactly what happened . ’
11 At £299 , you 'd expect something special and that 's exactly what you get — a break from traditional composite racket construction and a move into US Air Force technology .
12 Frankly nobody knows if the stuff is going to work when tens of thousands or even a million nodes are involved and that 's exactly what the large accounts are really interested in .
13 It 's called two-timing , or double-lifing , and that 's exactly how it feels .
14 It 's a very good drug when used properly , and that 's exactly what you 're doing .
15 And that 's exactly what Bristol surgeons , working with colleagues in the Robotics Group in the Faculty of Engineering , are doing .
16 And that 's exactly what you 're going to become . ’
17 And that 's exactly what I did . ’
18 Portadown captain Glenda McKee said : ‘ We knew we had to score early , and that 's exactly what we did .
19 He said : ‘ I always said we would never get the title if it went to points and that 's exactly how it turned out .
20 Angy had been stabbed in the throat and that 's exactly what he 'd done to her portrait … he was afraid that would all come out and everyone would think he 'd done it . ’
21 So a young man really has to get initiated and conform to what the elders expect if he 's going to have any reproductive success at all and that 's exactly what happens .
22 And that 's exactly what Frank said yesterday except you were n't here , of course … ’
23 And some of you some of you did that this morning although you may not have realised it er but you said well well like Rob said and er just just making people feel part of it by by using their names and that 's exactly the purpose of having these plaques in front and why I asked you to use erm to put your name on them is so that we can do that .
24 I said and that 's exactly how they are !
25 It 's , it 's , it 's , I mean it 's like your Modern Number One again , I mean although the character shapes are lovely , I mean although your G looks like that , is exactly the shape you want it to be , these thins here are real hairlines and that 's exactly what you do n't want it to be in six point , so I stretched the Swift by ten percent .
26 Cos that 's exactly what 's gon na happen .
27 Cos that 's exactly what it is .
28 Well , we all know that cos that 's exactly what happens to 'em .
29 In the beg , er and this is very cos that 's exactly what the , Nadine said to me .
30 Instead practise what you preach : after all there 's no logic in you telling her not to hit people if that 's exactly what you 're doing .
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