Example sentences of "[conj] she return [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly then Fabia became overwhelmingly conscious of her thin cotton robe , her scrubbed face with her hair , brushed out of its knot , now floating around her — and it all at once seemed more urgent that she return to her room with all speed .
2 It is probable , then , that she returned to Brackley during the first six months of 1745 .
3 The operation , originally planned for early afternoon , was re-scheduled and it was n't until quarter to six that she returned to the ward , still feeling groggy from the anaesthetic .
4 She glowered at the television crew who were filming them , but realised they had no idea she was grimacing ferociously , so she returned to sipping champagne through the straw .
5 On her way home she remembers that she forgot to buy any pet food so she returns to the shop to buy some .
6 Sylvia had asked for a recall , so it would have to wait until she returned to England .
7 He waited until she returned from her aunt 's hut , and stepped out into the path in front of her .
8 Her life-enhancing power contrasts with the stunted hopes and thwarted sexuality of the subdued , passive Daisy — until she returns under hypnotism to a previous incarnation in Regency Brighton and London as a highly sexed witch .
9 Until she returns to Pittsburgh for a check-up next summer , her parents hope she can live a normal life , including starting school .
10 In 1653 Clendon complained of her allegations in his pamphlet Justification Justified and she returned with A Plaine Relation of My Sufferings and Mrs. Shaw 's Innocency Restored .
11 But when she went to the head of the stairs and looked down she could see that his study door was ajar and the house was quiet and she returned to her room .
12 But her desire to be a ballerina was more than just an adolescent fancy and she returned to New York to study at the American School of Ballet .
13 She never told anyone what had happened ; soon afterwards the holiday came to an end and she returned to her family home .
14 Everything was ready and she returned to the yard to sit on the bench beside the rose tree , to sit and wait , eyes closed , and will her clenched fingers one by one into relaxation .
15 Lydia , herself an inveterate explorer , was now aware that her three years in Java had been quite enough of an inner workout , and she returned to Europe to comb the Mediterranean for a solitary place to centre herself .
16 Her condition improved , and she returned to the ward after a short period of ventilation in intensive care .
17 Ill health forced her abroad in 1885 and she returned to England to the Trafalgar Square riots of 1886 .
18 But Scathach called to her and she returned to the wall .
19 But the small errand took up barely any time and she returned to her room with some hours to go before she would know if Ven Gajdusek was going to honour his letter .
20 Singing was her first love , though , and she returned to the Gael-Linn studio earlier this year to record a new album of songs in Irish and English — with the help of a host of fine musicians including brother Michéal and producer Donal Lunny .
21 Much as she loved Nora , she was sufficiently realistic about her cousin to know that whatever was beginning to develop in her niece would be much more likely to come to something if Constance remained with her in Surrey than if she returned to the north .
22 If she returned to the Hall and told her father what she had endured she would be forbidden to return — that was what must happen .
23 Stables The Hit Men and Her returned to this venue on Monday night with William ‘ Wazzle ’ Forbes a new addition to their team .
24 But the thing which must have been nearest to her heart , because she returned to it so often , was how as a child she had walked to church along the sands .
25 ‘ She has not been … with us , in the proper sense , since she returned to Scaraby .
26 He told the Coroner 's Court she had showed signs of uncertainty since she returned from spending a year in France as part of her University course .
27 A few days after she returned to work , ‘ David ’ telephoned her office .
28 Eight months after she returned to her home in Langley Vale , near Ep som , Surrey , the dream was shattered .
29 Flavia Sherman was still wrestling with the turmoil of emotions that had kept her awake long after she returned to her own hut through the stormy jungle night .
30 Mrs Green was bludgeoned to death with 16 blows of a lump hammer shortly after she returned from working a night shift at a local hospital .
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