Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] brought " in BNC.

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1 Jane suspected that she had brought it on herself .
2 Suddenly , Nigel felt annoyed by her manner and by the fact that she had brought him nothing .
3 And she offered him half of the yam that she had brought with her .
4 And she baked some bread with the millet flour that she had brought from her own garden .
5 All the same , if it happened that David made her with child , she would bear the child proudly , and be glad that she had brought him a degree of happiness .
6 My sister , Mrs Joe Gargery , was very proud of the fact that she had brought me up ‘ by hand ’ .
7 She knew it was with good reason that she had brought her papers back across the lake that day .
8 It was n't an attractive option , especially as she did n't need to glance behind at the carefully packed boot full of vital equipment to know that she had brought no waterproof coat ; she was an optimist by nature and one with no foresight , always a lethal combination .
9 Fiona telephoned during the afternoon to say that she 'd brought Harry home and he wanted to see me , so with a sigh but little reluctance I abandoned the empty page and walked down to the village .
10 The three local women that she 'd brought in as help for the evening had been buzzing around behind her , greasing dishes and setting up trays and napkin-wrapping cutlery .
11 She regretted , now , that she 'd brought so little .
12 She 'd taken him from the town and the friends that he knew and she 'd brought him to this great , dusty mausoleum of a place where he did n't even like to run around because the echo of his footsteps sounded too much like someone faceless who was following too close .
13 It was Hana 's picture , and she had brought it from Prague herself .
14 and she had brought them out
15 Erm and she 's had seven youngsters and she 's brought them up and she a , on her own she 's had to bring them up cos he left her for another , another woman and erm she had the seven and she 's worked and fought hard cos she would n't ask for a darn thing and er they 're , they 're great those kids , they are , they 're a credit to her , you know , but it 's taken it out of her , she 's
16 I 've marvelled at her cos as a youngster I never thought she was capable of doing what she 's done , and she 's brought them up fine and fair .
17 She tried to remember if she had brought anything illegal .
18 ‘ On one occasion I woke up from an operation in hospital and asked her if she had brought my Echo . ’
19 ‘ He 's asking her if she has brought the need-fire and she tells him that she has .
20 Lesley-Jane Decker had been on stage at the time of the shooting , so , unless she had brought in a hired killer , she seemed to be in the clear .
21 Jane was no great cook , and did n't even enjoy it , but she had brought up a family of four , so quickly got her bearings in the kitchen , which was off the main circular room .
22 One rather exciting will home made will I hasten to add I dealt with last year , the lady of some who was not getting on with her husband and I think although I 'm not absolutely sure that the handwriting is that of her sister and we have this form filled in and it mentioned the bank or special savings account and it mentioned the premium bonds and it mentioned everything in the back bedroom and the linen in the linen and the linen cupboard because she 'd brought all this lot and it failed to appoint an executor and it failed to deal with the residuary estate it meant that technically there was a partial intestacy , as there was a partial intestacy the rules applied to that , first person to inherit ?
23 He felt more duty to his mother too , because she had brought up his own first son after his wife 's death in childbirth .
24 ‘ First-born ’ was the word that caught her attention , ‘ And knew her not till she had brought forth her first-born son . ’
25 In the few hours since she had brought the house down she had been interviewed by three tabloids , Sky Television and by Tony Howard for ‘ Newsnight ’ .
26 Nor did I bear any ill-will against my poor mother , though she had brought me up in error , innocently ignorant of what she was doing to my psyche .
27 Rose , with the same tact as she had brought them to the house , was careful to absent herself from these occasions as much as possible .
28 ‘ It 's not what I hold with , nor yet what I 'm accustomed to , ’ the matron had said virtuously , as she 'd brought a laden tray to the best spare bedchamber in the morning , ‘ but I 'm an honest woman , and I do n't cheat nobody , be they never so undeserving !
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