Example sentences of "[conj] you get [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ People say that you get over it , but you do n't , not really , not properly . ’
2 You then see the light-catching quality that you get with an edge of glass . ’
3 How big are the sheets that you get for ten quid ?
4 I , I would like to see erm , I do n't know whether this is done , but erm , when the official photographs are taken , they 're done by erm , newspaper area , so that you get of the Lord Lieutenant , the Chief Officer , and the , the man from that area , and that is sent to the local paper , whether , ah
5 Yeah , and what did you get you see , you get mutations going on in plants so that you get at the moment when the plants themselves are altered , it does n't necessary , necessary mean that they 're killed off , it does n't necessary mean that they are killed off , it means that the actual genes alter , that they go on breathing so you get ginormous sort of cabbages , you know , cabbages that 'll normally be about that size , suddenly become that size
6 I do n't like those very specialist audiences , the kind that you get at festivals , where you ca n't possibly play a Scott Joplin encore , in case you offend someone .
7 Yeah you wan na have subsidies yo that you get on foreign rails you know you get
8 You only go into the flats if you 're visiting someone or if you live there , so there 's no , there 's none of that hustle and bustle that you get on a , on a regular street .
9 No , , all the complex numbers that you get on that , on that maths , are in similar , you should be able to do them , that is one of the key questions If you think this is hard , wait until we go through , go through , representing back to equations .
10 When you get back to your branches , you 'll be allocated a tray or a pigeon hole or something or other , and you 'll find within a month or so , that you get on all the mailing lists , and you end up with all this bumf .
11 And this is the other big one that you get about erm food .
12 ( So it is recommended that you get into the habit of running VALIDATE at least as frequently as your tape re-use cycle ! )
13 My audition for Leeds was a sight reading job and it 's something that you get from drama training — work that helps you cope with the sight reading at an audition — yes .
14 It had French windows opening onto a communal terrace and that beautiful view of Bristol that you get from Clifton and which she clearly loves so much .
15 The amp switches on with that disconcerting ‘ plop ’ that you get from most tranny machines and would certainly not expect from a hi-fi costing half as much .
16 After about 20 minutes of use the average colour monitor has warmed up and stabilised and , at this point , Adobe suggest you adjust the colour balance so that it matches a progressive colour bar that you get from your printer .
17 It all depends on the reaction that you get from your , your boss .
18 I know it was like that when we had it , well all these mugs that you get from the petrol station are all seconds any way
19 So , make sure that you get from each other what you 've all got .
20 I think again the sort of picture that you get from books is rather like a stage set , with everything new from the year nineteen fifty-eight or whatever , all bundled into a room together , this is what it looked like .
21 One is do you trust the reply that you get from someone .
22 Well , my feeling is , and it 's really the same message that you get from most greens and most environment books , is that under-consumption , that is poverty in the poor countries , is linked to over-consumption in the rich countries , and we have to grasp this nettle — it 's one that the Conservative Party in its White Paper on the environment avoids noticeably — we have to grasp the nettle , that as long as we are over-consuming there 's not going to be enough to go round everywhere , and my book shows that this pattern is really a three hundred year old pattern dating from the first Colonial expansion of Europe and the slave trade , and it 's still going on today .
23 There are so many colourful characters within the jazz spectrum and as a form it really demands that you get in touch with your own personal self ; if you do n't have your own sound in jazz then basically it 's nothing .
24 Using CD-Roms will save us around £120,000 a year and that does n't include the added value that you get in terms of sound and pictures , ’ says Mr Wakeley .
25 Now this is for the dog daisies that you get in er hedgerows .
26 Well you can get them in the financial press , erm usually the Telegraph on a , on a weekend or the Money Mail or the , any of the loca any good quality paper , or you can buy some of the financial guides that you get in er , in er newsagents these days .
27 Er and similarly the syntax of languages are often said to be oppressive of women , a lot of the way that language is structured and a lot of the words that you get in a language , that 's another thing that 's said .
28 A small orchestra was playing ‘ Lights of Moscow ’ and the waiters were clattering metal dishes and semaphoring with table napkins , and there was the air of subdued hysteria that you get in a big theatre when the orchestra is tuning up .
29 It is true to say there is n't the same direct relation between child numbers and spending on children 's services that you get in education .
30 that both Gethwyn and Russell sorted out er who up on on those extremes that you get in a group that , that maybe feel they re that they really have nothing to , hardly anything to do with us they 've do n't receive ministry and why should that be , and after be asked each year , has to go up ?
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