Example sentences of "[conj] he 'd [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 She went very red , and seeing he 'd scored , Will added slyly : ‘ I ai n't going to make trouble , leastways not if th'bist sensible .
2 Well , I waited up until three o'clock in the morning and he crawled in with footmarks all over his nice new suit where he 'd fallen on the floor and let everybody trample over him , blood pouring down his shirt from a head wound , a balloon tied round his neck and a paper hat on .
3 Danjit hastily resealed the suit to cover the love-bites he 'd left where he 'd slobbered over his prisoner .
4 Rory was not around , it was not known where he 'd gone , but Rosie thought she knew .
5 He 'd walked round the engine sheds , he said , where he 'd looked long and lovingly at the old locomotives , and where he 'd seen schoolboys and middle-aged men carefully recording numbers and wheel-arrangements in their note-books .
6 But I got talking to one of them and he told me he 'd just come out of prison where he 'd done time for soliciting .
7 He knew then where he 'd heard something similar before .
8 Both his hands were stinging where he 'd skinned them .
9 It appeared that the roof Billy had fallen off was in one Coroner 's jurisdiction , but where he 'd landed was in another 's .
10 There had n't been a Friday or Saturday in the last year which had n't been occupied by some social gathering , where he 'd mingled with Vanessa 's friends .
11 He was leaning against the back door where he 'd slammed it — filthy , crumpled , and pale with hunger .
12 Up to the fifth floor , then walk down to the third , where he 'd taken a couple of rooms .
13 When he 'd gone , Connors picked up where he 'd left off .
14 He gloried in the cunningness of it , the feeling of having outwitted the others , of knowing what they did not ; that he was out and away and they were back there where he 'd left them , ignorantly worrying where he was , searching ; wondering .
15 It had worked very well last night with Fräulein Hubert , better than he 'd hoped , but he ought to be careful until his plans were all consolidated , then he could dump Ingrid and carry on where he 'd left off with that lovely little thing .
16 He 'd walked round the engine sheds , he said , where he 'd looked long and lovingly at the old locomotives , and where he 'd seen schoolboys and middle-aged men carefully recording numbers and wheel-arrangements in their note-books .
17 He was back where he 'd started , staring at the wall with nothing to do but wait .
18 The haze of his first cigarette clouded the room briefly and in the streak of light from the curtains he saw the heaped clothes and the mark on the hotel carpet where he 'd knocked over the glass of water .
19 He 'd stayed there ( ‘ in Didcart ’ ) much longer than he 'd intended ; and when finally he tore himself away from the Cornish Riviera and the Torbay Express he 'd walked back to Didcot Parkway Station at about five o'clock , and caught the next train back to Oxford , where he 'd , er , where he 'd had a quick drink in the Station Buffet .
20 He took a moment to slip the harmonica back where he 'd found it , in the vent on the faulty fibrillator .
21 Then , whistling to himself , he washed the podger clean and put it back where he 'd found it , against the far wall .
22 No longer would he have to pin all his hopes on the random burglaries that he 'd carried out in that first couple of days , none of which had turned up anything better than a shotgun or a low-calibre target weapon ; those were useless for his purpose , and he 'd left them where he 'd found them .
23 He 'd last eaten about four hours earlier , in the same small cafe where he 'd got Slater to tell him about Sara that January .
24 Now , if he 'd written in a more highfalutin way , or he 'd talked about Liz and myself , or a variety of other things , in a very pontificating way , it may never have got in the newspaper because they would have said , ‘ What is the relevance ?
25 He told me that he 'd got a good home , or he 'd had a good home , and he just I said why do n't you live there ?
26 It was either an accident or he 'd committed suicide .
27 That 'e 'd nicked them off a woman 's washing-line in Brixton .
28 The solicitor was a scrupulously correct elderly man with no sense of humour and a dislike of being hurried , although he 'd moved quickly enough this time .
29 Although he 'd written that I was not a fantasy for him , he had dreamed me , written me , into a woman far less flawed than I am , or ever could be .
30 Erm next day it was still there although he 'd phoned the police .
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