Example sentences of "[conj] be full of " in BNC.

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1 There are several books available that are full of ideas and information on using stencils , whether on walls or to decorate pieces of furniture .
2 THE brand new cars that are two years old , slimmers ' meals that are full of fat , holidays at the seaside that could damage your health .
3 And yet the beautiful creatures seem quite happy to swim around the rivers of their home , and venture into the pools that are left as the rivers dry up in summer — pools that are full of ‘ savage ’ piranhas .
4 All but two of them were found to be leading personal lives that were full of achievement .
5 But , in fact , in the same way as the very ambitious career woman of today risks becoming detached from her home surroundings , so it must have been extremely difficult in the past for upper-class ladies , running homes that were full of servants , to put personal qualities into the home when all the physical work was taken on by others .
6 In another drawer , set aside from everything else , he found other letters that were full of love .
7 The result is a new model of the Universe which resembles a certain brand of chocolate that is full of bubbles .
8 Disruptive markings help to break up the shape of an animal 's body in any environment that is full of irregular detail , as in the case of this well concealed crab .
9 The recipes in the Walking Diet are easy to follow and quickly prepared , so that even the busiest people have a chance to cook mouth-watering food that is full of goodness and at the same time is low in fat .
10 So when you want a cup of coffee that is full of flavour , simply look to Kenco — the Real Coffee Experts .
11 It is a field that is full of mythology , but also of research ; but the research tends to be compartmentalized between individual media , so that it is difficult to find meaningful material covering a combination of media in any very useful way .
12 But if you 're looking for old style Cretan atmosphere as well as a place that 's full of life , Ag Nik is the place to stay .
13 Whether you want to achieve bouncy curls or a style that 's full of body and volume , perming with Poly Hair Cosmetics is the answer for you .
14 London 's a city that 's full of diversions .
15 So I mean maybe , maybe there 's context , maybe there 's the sort of situation oh this , this is an area where , you know , kind of this is an area that 's full of poofs so he must be erm
16 he did n't really like it , but he had a lovely week , but at least we did n't come back to a house that 's full of
17 David had this little compartment and used to spend his whole time in a Japanese kimono with his guitar and a bottle of this horrible Reisling wine that was full of alkaline and gave you splitting headaches , but it was all there was .
18 We stayed in a dormitory that was full of couples with noisy small children , and it put quite a strain on our marriage .
19 A narrow drive ran through a garden that was full of late summer flowers that were still blooming in the warmth of the autumn sun , and large , spreading trees that threw irregular patches of shade .
20 He sent her a glare that was full of suspicion , then demanded abruptly , ‘ You would n't be laughing at me by any chance ?
21 I 'd advise you to maintain a dead silence on the subject , ’ he said in a voice that was full of warning .
22 Now it was something that was full of words and invisible pictures and machines whizzing around .
23 He has certainly excellent manners and both he and the dear and very charming Empress ( whom Albert likes particularly ) do the honneurs extremely well and very gracefully and are full of every kind of attention .
24 The interiors are rich in stucco and fresco decoration by Domenico Galli and Fabian Harovník , and are full of interesting furniture , glass , ceramics and historical maps .
25 The best videos offer sound , clear advice and demonstrations , and are full of ideas and inspiration .
26 Both South Wales and West Wales have rich and varied histories and are full of the unexpected .
27 We rode the bus back , and buses take for ever and are full of drunks and screaming children …
28 The CTCs are highly selective , interviewing parents as well as pupils and place emphasis on high level technology and business skills , and are full of middle class pupils .
29 They may take themselves rather too seriously and are full of ‘ in ’ jokes and references , but then they are not intended for general consumption .
30 Let them know it 's going to have a fabulous programme and be full of people they know or others of a like mind .
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