Example sentences of "[conj] be perhaps a " in BNC.

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1 It is a convention in Elizabethan drama that slander is always believed , which can be explained perhaps from the necessities of the limited time available , or is perhaps a truth about life ( how many of us instantly disbelieve bad report ? ) .
2 If the more rural areas show up on the whole slightly better than the more populous places that is perhaps a feature that occurs in other aspects of Scottish life ; and let the indwellers in those backward centres of population not repine .
3 One of the things that 's perhaps a little difficult to say with that tape recorder running in the middle of the room , is , that this course offers , operates a sense of code of confidentiality , and I 'm not sure how this is going to work .
4 Griffith seems to have supposed that the cracks which he thought existed were scattered throughout the interior of the glass and were perhaps a consequence of a failure of the molecules inside the glass to join up completely when the glass hardened .
5 Even though it must have been obvious that he would not hold to it at the last , the threat was enough to make Stormy Petrel veer again to her original course , and though she was trying to increase speed , and was perhaps a little more powerful than Sea Otter , we , on our straight line , could hold her comfortably .
6 The rate seems to have been about half that of an ordinary return and was perhaps a day ticket , although no mention of that condition is made .
7 Two more had let all their own property , while leasing other land ; one of these styled himself gentleman and was perhaps an example of a counterfeit landlord .
8 The phrase ‘ a recognised diagnostic pointer ’ was not our own and was perhaps an unfortunate choice by the technical editor .
9 This is no comfort for a patient who has to wait a few months ( in the past , waiting times in some centres were over two years ) but is perhaps a more rational means of distributing limited health care resources than the random waiting lists used in the past , when patients were given fairly arbitrary degrees of priority .
10 Tawney , on the occasion of the celebrations of the District 's twenty-first anniversary in June 1934 , perceptively recognised that the District ‘ … was only at the beginning of their task … ’ but was perhaps a little wide of the mark in claiming that the ‘ …
11 But was perhaps a little part of its success , he dared to hope , because he had done it rather well ?
12 Franca was amazed at her sudden power to develop vivid visual images of her mental states , a power which she had never exercised before , and which she thought of , not without satisfaction , as being perhaps a symptom of incipient madness .
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