Example sentences of "[conj] i told they " in BNC.

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1 All the youths seemed interested , so I told them stories of Black Magic in Sussex , a county particularly afflicted by Satan because of all the artistic people who live there , running craft shops or theatrical costumiers .
2 I knew my family would not like my going , so I told them I was going walking in Austria .
3 The trainer explained : ‘ Three of them , Jeff Newton , Mick Dews and Barry Dixon , had a horse with me called The White Lion , who won a seller and I told them to let it go .
4 I went out where the rest of the staff were working and I told them ‘ I am leaving .
5 The sums of money were enormous and I told them that there would be no more money once it had been spent . ’
6 The few people I treasure were in touch and I told them exactly what was wrong .
7 I 've been at a desk for years ; I want no more of it and I told them .
8 and er you know if they did erm I mean Martin asked about the , he asked about the good wood guide you know and I told them where they can get it but that they can have it in their office and put it in their library .
9 The day I came here I 'd gone down to Age Concern — I used to go there for meetings and bingo — and I told them I was n't stopping because I 'd no money .
10 But to my horror they looked and smelt like Yahoos too , and I told them to keep away from me .
11 There was no question about it — people knew who I was and if they did n't they asked and I told them .
12 And I told them about this job I 'd done here .
13 ‘ After I went to immigration ’ , recalls Rita , ‘ and I told them I was separated because my husband abused me , I thought they would look down on me and have more sympathy , and see what they can do .
14 ‘ They asked me if there was anything worn under the kilt and I told them no , it was all in good working order , ’ remarked Lewis drily .
15 Let's try and get it on the board , which somebody has written on and I told them about that and asked them to clean it , but , bring a spray can of white paint next time .
16 They all came back through their agents and complained and I told them to forget it .
17 I was chatting to the team doctor and secretary and I told them I was a Leeds United supporter , and I kept up with the Leeds news via the computer network ( spread the word ; - ) ) .
18 ‘ Darlington was due for a win , the feeling was right in the town , and I told them so , ’ said Mr McLean .
19 Well , so there you are and I told them , he he said that he wanted erm a urine sample you see and so of course when the nurse come after he 'd gone , later and I kept waiting and I thought to myself well I want to know the result !
20 Gospel truth , gospel truth I talked to I er wrote to them yeah , and I told them I do n't want that that 's out that is .
21 I told him about paint work under the bonnet , Mark had they 'd mentioned some paint work had got ta be dealt with and that passenger door with the draught and I told them that .
22 There was a lot of 'em ; and I told 'em : about the thrashing :
23 ‘ What 'd happen if I told them how you 'd cheated ? ’
24 If I told them that , they 'd think I meant daydreaming .
25 If I told them
26 Alice thought : what if I told them now ?
27 If I told them he was a quiet , shy , unassuming minor civil servant who read a lot of books , they 'd have the weirdo squad from Social Services round straight away .
28 I thought it might hurt the boys ’ feelings if I told them we think Miguelito is better-looking than they are . ’
29 Erm , thought it would be nice at handicrafts afternoon and then we could throw the handicraft meeting open to anybody if I told them at the meeting before were going to have it .
30 They were about to arrest the whole band until I told them I was to blame . ’
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