Example sentences of "[conj] it gets [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Y I mean local Manchester Evening News issues that they put out in they put out where where we live in Kearsley , there 's a lot of people in Kearsley buy the Manchester And er we 've got to feed the candidate with all these things so that it gets into the into the Your local newspaper , the local free paper goes out in every area , you must get the name in as from tomorrow .
2 Officials of the ODA will work with local health personnel and through groups like the Red Cross to identify hospitals and clinics which will made good use of the aid and ensure that it gets to those who truly need it .
3 It is much better if the player knows subconsciously all the time where the clubhead is and makes sure that it gets to the ball at the same moment as the hands — a similar position as when at address .
4 No I means , basically it means that it gets to her head really quickly like one , two glasses of wine and she 's off her trolley .
5 no I hate it when each party calls each other blind , oh yes its , its better if you have us and were gon na do this and were gon na do that it gets on my nerves its really irritating
6 Does he realise that what the country now needs from him is hope , but all that it gets is complacency ; that what the country needs from him is leadership , but all that it gets from him is excuses ; that what the country now needs is a Government who will act , but what it has is a Government paralysed by the election who dodge the issues , duck the realities and do nothing ?
7 Equally the nature of the various styles , high , middle and low , needs more elucidation than it gets in this book ( cf. pp. 70 – 71 ) if it is to form a central plank of the discussion of lexis .
8 Now the basis for the pathogenesis is not well enough established for us to expect you to understand the details of how it achieves these processes , but one thing which is remarkably clear is that the organism is a capsule producing organism and that once it gets into the er cerebral spinal fluid that predominately is an acute inflammatory .
9 New studies show that targetting normal genes using viral and other systems to enter cells ( from marrow , the lung and gut , liver and skin ) may be easier than at first thought , and that DNA will function more or less normally once it gets into the cell .
10 Once it gets into the community it tends to spread around , ’ said Dr Pugh .
11 the , the debt rolled up against the value of the home , and once it gets to seventy five percent , you lose the home , or could do , and of course people who took this out , it was before the housing collapse , you 're in difficulties .
12 That 's one of the reasons why I 'm , why I 'm also interested in er in Freud because I think Freud provides that , I happen to think that Freud 's studies of , of crowd group psychology actually explain that , although it takes time to you know , certainly not at five minutes to four , it takes time to explain , but I think there is an explanation there and I think you c y y you can claim that there are certain emotions to do with identification and idealization , th that our genes have a programmer which things like erm nationalistic erm , erm er kind of jingoism can exploit in a modern culture which in primal cultures would have primal cultures people identify with their , with their local kin and their local culture and that 's that might ultimately promote their reproductive success , but that in modern cultures , this identification occurs with erm on a completely different level and with lots of people will not merely because you need so many more people modern cultures you have much more erm much bigger groups and you just meet many more people that , than you were ever th there is some interesting research , research recently published for instance which shows erm organizations seem to have a critical size and that people are not really able to track more than about two hundred and fifty other people , in other words you can have face-to-face relationships with up to about two hundred and fifty others , but once it gets beyond two hundred and fifty it 's too much and you start forgetting somebody as if the brain was primed to an optimum group size and once you get above that you just ca n't keep .
13 It 's just that sometimes you sound like someone straight out of a Second World War movie and it gets on my lower-middle-class nerves . ’
14 If that er clothing becomes heated and it gets to the right temperature it will burst into the flames , likewise if it 's not balanced properly and you go out the door the living room or the lounge into the kitchen or some other part of your home the draft by closing the door can knock the airer over , unbalance it and of course er set fire to the clothing .
15 And what happens then , the electric current , as we know , flows backwards and forwards and it gets to this bit here and there 's a break , so what does it do ?
16 So it 's all about sharing things out and it gets into this sort of fractions when we get when there 's not enough to go round and we have to start cutting things up cutting the pizza up .
17 And it gets into his writing .
18 I caught the five thirty train from Manningtree and it gets into London at ten to seven .
19 And it gets in your hair and it gets in your clothes , she must have been listening to the television .
20 And it gets in your hair and it gets in your clothes , she must have been listening to the television .
21 and the moon starts coming across the sky as it does and it gets in the way of the sun .
22 And it gets underneath that underneath the door and the water ca n't come in you know , but the see cos it 's like fits with the curve underneath , you see .
23 I just keep it spinning until it gets to a point where it 's not making more power and then shift gears .
24 its going to come round at you in a minute , so I 'll talk about it until it gets to you , erm , it delighted my children this particular painting , erm and I decided to put my sort of analytical approach to one side erm and do something with that later , so this poem is from my , my children 's point of view and one of the things that are very interested , they were really worried , that , erm , I think it marks the height of the table and the fact that the puppies might fall off and do themselves some harm , that , I 'll read it while its going round and then I can see then , that , so this is , ok , from my children 's point of view this poem , its called Threes , Table laid and waiting , milk place in bowl not to high , they lap and swirl , played and roll , paws distance from knocking and breaking goblet , made from clay .
25 I mean , I do n't , we do n't know what the process is , of get you know , the step by step until it gets to the Cha Lord Chancellor , do we .
26 Let us assume that a cat stalks a duck until it gets within striking distance .
27 If it gets into the predator 's nose it can injure the tissues there and if it enters the mouth it causes violent vomiting .
28 If it gets into the harbour , it 'll stop the surrender .
29 Guy 's bacteriologist Dr Norman Simmons said last night : ‘ If it gets into surgical wounds it can cause infections and blood poisoning . ’
30 Snake venom is usually clear yellow and is dangerous only if it gets into the bloodstream .
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